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Igili - 1897
Munsey's Magazine

The Igili Marvelous Talking Board was manufactured by The American Toy Company which consisted of Charles Kennard, J. M. Raffel, and Albert C. Strobel. This was Kennard's third known attempt at the talking board business. The board itself was manufactured from 1897-1899 and this ad was placed in Munsey's Magazine in 1897. It reads “The Marvelous Talking Board. Scientific, Fascinating, Entertaining for Old and Young. Talks of Past, Present, and Future, and other topics, with wonderful accuracy. To the Klondike for $1. Buy the American Toy Co.'s New, Novel, and Attractive Game, A Trip to Klondike. Handsome design, beautifully illustrated. To pass the dangerous places and to secure the nuggets makes the game a very exciting and enjoyable one to old and young. They are the newest and most popular games on the market. You cannot make a better present than one of these games. Price $1 each. Take No Substitute. For sale by all first-class toy stores and stationers, or American Toy Co., 222 S. Charles St., Baltimore, Md.”


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Ouija - Circa 1911
Sears Catalog

Catalogs were a common way to purchase things in the early 1900s. Your guess is as good as ours as to just how many Ouija boards were sold this way, but we are guessing thousands. This ad comes from the popular Sears Catalog. We don't have a date but judging from the picture we are guessing around 1910. It reads “Ouija-The Magic Game. Remarkable, interesting, and mystifying game. Great mirth and making game for parties. Apparently answers questions concerning past, present, and future. Full directions accompany each package. Size 15X22 inches. Nicely finished wood, with felt tipped table on which you place your hands. Shipping weight 3 1/4 pounds. No. 49N112 Price 95 cents.”

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Ouija - July 1920
Popular Science

The Baltimore Talking Board Company of Maryland began producing Ouija boards in July of 1920. The company was the partnership of Charles Cahn and Gilbert Michael and as a printing press had the means to make these boards. This advertisement appeared in Popular Science on July of 1920. It reads “Mysterious Ouija Talking Board. Let the mystic Ouija Board reveal to you past secrets – or stretch forward into the unknown future! On this Special Offer one $1.00 bill will bring you the complete Ouija Board with full directions for use. Special Low Price Offer. You can make the Ouija Board perform. Make it solve your biggest problems – answer vital questions – disclose secrets you long to know. It will startle you too with the truth of its prophesies. Send only $1 with this coupon. The complete Ouija board will be sent at once postpaid. Mail coupon today. Now. Baltimore Talking Board Company. Dept 2 36 S. Paca Street, Baltimore, Md.”

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Ouija - February 1920

This ad is the earliest example of the drawing that would later appear on the bottom corners of both the Ouija board and the Mystifying Oracle. The sketch was copyrighted by William Fuld though stories tell us it was actually drawn by William Andrew Fuld. Is that a spirit in the background or just a curious onlooker? You decide. This ad appeared in the Metropolitan on in February of 1920. It reads “Ouija (Pronounced) We-ja. The Marvelous Ouija Board. Trade Mark Registered in U. S. and Canada. Answers all questions concerning the past, present, and future. This Wonderful Talking Board. Prophesies – Forewarns – and Prefigures, Your Destiny. Made of Three-Ply Bird's Eye Maple Wood. Sent Postpaid by the manufacturer upon receipt of price, $1.50. Manufactured by William Fuld. Harford Ave., Lamont Ave., and Federal Sts. Baltimore, MC., U. S. A.”

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Ouija - Circa 1920s
William Fuld Trade Catalog

This ad comes directly from William Fuld's trade catalog circa 1920s. Its pages are full of each product William manufactured at the time. Of course his number one selling item was the Ouija board. It reads “A Social Innovation in the Home! The Egyptian Luck Board. Ouija (Pronounced We-Ja) At the Club – For the Party. To Obtain the Original, Genuine Ouija Board See That The Name William Fuld Baltimore, MD. is printed across the bottom of each board. Ouija Prophesies, Forwarns and Advises, as well as Prefigures One's Destiny. The Most Fascinating Mysterious Puzzle of this Century. The most interesting and mysterious Talking Board has awakened great curiosity wherever shown. It surpasses in its results second sight, mind reading or clairvoyance. Wonderful as it may seem, the Ouija was thoroughly tested and the above facts demonstrated at the United States Patent Office before the patent was allowed.”

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Oracle - Circa 1920s
William Fuld Trade Catalog

Like the Ouija board advertisement above, this one also comes from William Fuld's trade catalog circa the 1920s. William's other talking board, the Mystifying Oracle, was also a big seller. This as reads “The Mystifying Oracle New Improved Wonderful Talking Board. The Latest Scientific Mystery. A Most Fascinating Pastime and Study. Scientific : : Entertaining Instructive : Amusing Prognosticating Physiognomist. Oracle Prefigures One's Destiny. Will aid in the development of mediumship in the Home Circle. Patented Jan. 1915, In United States and Canada. British Patent Pending. Trade Mark Registered U. S. Patent Office. The magnetism of the users causes the small table to move about on the board, spelling out names, dates, etc. (observed through a glass opening in the center of the diamond-shaped table), answering questions, telling of events – past, present, or future. Oracle reads the innermost thoughts and makes the most surprising replies to questions. Write for discount.”

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Ouija - Envelope March 30th 1921
William Fuld Envelope

William Fuld and family didn't miss an opportunity to advertise his business and the Ouija board. This envelope is dated March 30th 1921. On the back there is a drawing of a Ouija board and planchette. Envelopes like this one were used by William Andrew when he sent out letters to the trade warning those who purchased his uncle Isaac Fuld's Oriole boards. The envelopes were probably used for invoices and such sent to merchants who bought William Fuld products. The back reads “Ouija, Trade Mark Registered U. S. Patent Office, Wonderful Talking Board, Answers All Questions.”

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Ouija - Circa 1920-1930
William Fuld Mailing

This is another William Fuld mailing sent out to those who ordered William Fuld products. We date this ad circa 1920-1930. The front reads “A Real Money Making Item!” and the inside reads “It's found Public Favor! Ouija Talking Board. Attractive, natural wood finish, with clearly printed black letters and numerals. Moving Table that comes with each board has glass opening for reading answers. Each in individual box. Large size measures 15” X 22”, packed one dozen to the carton. Weight, 35 lbs. A Sure Fast Seller! The most interesting and mysterious talking board has taken the country by storm! Thoroughly tested and approved by U. S. Patent Office, it surpasses in its unique results mind reading, clairvoyance, and second sight. It furnishes never failing amusement and recreation for the entire family, and is a sure fast seller! Stock up on this item today! The genuine carries the signature William Fuld on each board. William Fuld, Toys of Quality. Harford Avenue, Lamont Avenue & Federal Street Baltimore, Maryland.”

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Ouija - 1936
Johnson Smith & Co.

This 1936 advertisement appeared in the Johnson Smith & Company catalog. This drawing also appeared on 1920 William Fuld Ouija board boxes. It advertises the Ouija board as the Mystifying Oracle. It reads “For Occult Phenomena Consult the Mysterious Ouija Talking Board. Affords Astonishing Results. Unexplainable. Thought Compelling Deeply Interesting Truly Wonderful. Amusing Scientific Instructive The Mystifying Oracle. The Hindu Luck Board. From the earliest manifestations of so-called spiritualists the Ouija (pronounced We-Ja) Talking Board has occupied a prominent position. Select coteries assemble for experimental purposes, such as table rapping, spirit writing, materialisation and so on but most of these demonstrations require semi-darkness which naturally suggests chicanery. The Ouija Board, on the contrary, works in the brightest light and upon a clean table, so that, whatever the results, trickery need not be suspected.”

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Ouija - 1938
William Fuld Mailing

This William Fuld mailer was sent out around 1938 and depicts a scene that also appeared on Ouija boxes at the time. This is the first ad that introduces the merger of the Ouija and Mystifying Oracle. It reads “Nine out of ten persons are interested in fortune telling. Questions may be asked and as the carriage (which is extremely sensitive to the touch) passes over the board a transparent window and pointer in the tap indicates each letter of a message as it is received. The effect is weird and mysterious. It surpasses, in its unique results, mind reading, clairvoyance and second sight. It furnishes never failing amusement and recreation for the entire family. As weird and unexplainable as Hindu Magic – more intense and absorbingly interesting than a mystery story – Mystifying Oracle Ouija answers questions of love, life, happiness and sorrow. Call it a game if you like – laugh at the weird, uncanny messages it brings you if you dare, but you'll have to admit that mystifying Oracle Ouija gives you the most intensely interesting, unexplainable entertainment you've ever experienced.”

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Ouija - 1940s
William Fuld Trade Mailing

The Fulds had manufactured and sold Ouija boards since 1890 and by the 1940s they had perfected the recipe for success. This Fuld mailing was sent out to the trade and offered shop owners a sure seller. The front reads “A master-recipe by the Fuld chef-” When opened it continues “Sales Appeal with generous dashes of Cooperation. The tremendous merchandising opportunity now afforded to the trade by our original Ouija board is partly due to the inherent popular appeal of Ouija itself. Over a period of nearly fifty years, extending through two major wars, Ouija has upheld itself as a universal seller, most profitable to dealers and always in heavy demand. But there's more to this proposition than that... For years we have assisted our trade with leaflets, folders and other sales helps, making it easier for you to focus counter attention upon this great headliner. Now we are giving you splendid displays ...and something more!”

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Ouija - 1941
William Fuld Trade Mailing

By the 1940s, the Ouija board had gone through a series of crazes. The Fulds used this fact in their trade mailings to encourage patrons to keep ordering. This mailing reads “History Does repeat. A Timely Message Upon A Timely Subject...For Retailers Of Games...How To Make Opportunity Work Overtime!!! One of the most sensational game successes during the first World War was the immortal Ouija...always in demand, but exceptionally popular during periods of great national excitement and uncertainty. To the great satisfaction of merchants everywhere, History Is Repeating Itself Today... The original Ouija Board, now called Mystifying Oracle...and glorified in a modern, up-to-the-minute carton...once more is Going To Town...breaking twenty-year records of activity! People all over the land turn to this 20th century Oracle for answers to their perplexities...and even the most skeptical of interrogators sit forward on their chairs for the answers!”

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Ouija - February 1946
Toys and Novelties

This trade ad appeared in Toys and Novelties in February of 1946. It celebrates forty years of Ouija popularity and reminds businesses that Ouija boards sell well. It even shows a drawing of an old Ouija board compared to the ones they were selling in the 1940s. It reads “40th year of national popularity only the outer dress has changed. A game has got to have something to retain unwavering popularity as Original Ouija has. Merchants know this, and are pleased to play along with a sure thing. To display this fine game is to be certain of steady sales with a nice percentage for the store on each sale. Known to millions...veteran of two wars...woven into the very fabric of American tradition! Original Ouija strides over conditions to reward the retailers who push it consistently. We're ready to talk 1946 with you. One piece table. When you sell Genuine Ouija, be sure to explain to your customers that the all-important moving table is built in one danger of losing legs or screws.”

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Ouija - August 1947

This trade advertisement is a smaller version of the ad above. It appeared in Playthings on August of 1947. This ad reminds the trade that the Ouija board has been sold by two generations of Fulds and that only the Original Ouija board bears the name William Fuld. It reads “for Two generations A household word in American literature and folk-life.” To date we have not seen the Ouija board shown in this ad only its sister board the Mystifying Oracle. Playthings Magazine was and major source for businesses to use when choosing what games they would carry. Many many shops saw these ads and snapped up Ouija boards as fast as they came off the assembly lines. This is one of the last ads the Fulds made before they left the Harford factory and moved the manufacturing of Ouija boards offsite and out of Maryland.

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Ouija - December 1957
Search Magazine

As the New Age Movement took hold in America many magazines dedicated to the unknown began popping up. This ad appeared in Search Magazine in December of 1957. Along with dedicated magazines specialized bookshops grew and Venture Bookshop placed this ad. It reads “Telepathy, Spirit Voice? Subconscious Mind? Which speaks through the mystic Ouija Board? For many years psychic investigators have recognized its amazing power – its facility for predicting the future, recalling the past. You want the original, authentic Ouija Board. There's only one. Don't be fooled by imitations that are only parlor games. Rarely found these days is the excellent construction and fine finish of our Ouija Board. Its size is impressive – see illustration – and the firmly wielded, wood fibre board has a composition essential to protection of magnetic vibrations. Letters, numbers and mystic symbols are artistically inscribed, heat treated for performance. With reasonable handling this Ouija board will give its owner a lifetime of service.”

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Ouija - April 1964

This is the last trade ad we have by the Fulds before they sold the business to Parker Brothers in 1966. It ran in Playthings in April of 1964. The Fulds had left the Harford factory and moved into a newly built Fort Avenue address. The ad reads “Original Ouija. It's always Profit-Making Time! Capitalize on built-in consumer acceptance. Soar into high profit attitudes and year round sales with America's oldest and most fascinating game. Every member of the family will get a big thrill from this exciting game! Beautifully designed, sturdily mounted. A handsome boxed unit that keeps its powerful appeal to old and young. Watch your sales balloon when you stock the original Ouija. Isn't it time you made us prove this? Order Direct Or From Your Wholesaler. William Fuld P.O. Box #1193, Baltimore 3, MD.”

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Ouija - 1960s
Venture Bookshop

In the second half of the 1960s another Ouija board upturn was beginning. Venture Bookshop advertised for the Ouija in their 1960s catalog. It features a nice Ouija board illustration and reads “Subconscious Mind Or Spirit Voice? Which Speaks Through The Mystic Ouija Board? The original authentic ouija board. There's only one. Don't be fooled by imitations. Big, firmly wielded, with natural finish, heat-treated for permanence. Finely crafted board will last a lifetime. For many years psychic investigators have recognized the board's amazing power, its facility to predict the future and recall the past. You, too, can use the Ouija board. Only $4.25.” Once Parker Brothers took over in 1966 many of these ads disappeared as the Ouija board began to appear in larger and easily accessible venues.