
Institutional Engagement Award - The Physiological Society

Institutional Engagement Award

Provides funding to support Society Representatives and members to co-host events at their organisation, including internal conferences, teaching symposia, seminars or outreach events.

Applications are now closed. The scheme will be relaunched for 2025 shortly.

Who can apply?

Society Representatives or members of The Society (staff or students) with support of the Society Representative can submit an application.

The Society will look favourably upon applications that have secured matched funding from the host institution, as well as those that promote The Society and physiology.

How much funding is available?

The maximum award available is £500.

What can the funding be used for?

Funding will be available for a range of activities deemed suitable by The Society. Examples of categories that funding may be requested for include teaching symposia, outreach events, internal conferences and departmental seminars.

Applications must detail how the funding will benefit The Society and promote physiology, how the activity will encourage engagement and how (if applicable) it will benefit the public and the inclusivity of members.

When can I apply?

Applications are currently closed. The scheme will be re-launched for 2025 shortly.

Applications should be for activities taking place within the same calendar year. Funds must be claimed in the same calendar year they were awarded.  

How do I apply?

Apply here.

  • The report form must be submitted by the advised deadline, along with expense/detail of funding spent. If the report is submitted late then the funding available for the following year may be reduced.
  • Applicants must display The Society’s logo and promote The Society on social media pages during the event.
  • Only one application can be submitted per academic year.
  • Applications must come from an institution Society Representative or Society members within the institution supported by the Society Representative.
  • Applications will be reviewed by Society staff and members will be notified within one month of their submission.
  • Successful applicants will arrange for their institution to issue an invoice to The Society, for the payment of funds. The award cannot be paid direct to an individual/personal account.
  • Applicants will ensure that awarded funds are claimed within the same calendar year, funds cannot be carried into the next calendar year. 
  • Applications received for the following year will not be considered until the current year has ended.  
  • This award will not be reimbursed to any members with an outstanding balance or direct debit arrears on their record. All arrears must be cleared for claims to be paid.

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