Best WordPress Ecommerce Plugins

6 Best eCommerce Plugins for WordPress (+ BONUS Picks)

Are you about to set up a new eCommerce store, and you’re wondering what the best eCommerce plugins for WordPress are?

Or, maybe you’re moving your eCommerce website to WordPress from another platform and want to pick the best plugins to run your online business.

Either way, we’re glad you here to learn about the best WordPress eCommerce plugins. There are some truly great options in our list below!

Best eCommerce Plugins Video Guide

MonsterInsights is the best WordPress Analytics plugin. Get it for free!

Top Features to Look For in eCommerce Plugins

What features matter the most to you for setting up your new WordPress eCommerce site? You’ll want to sit down and think about what you really want and need before choosing a plugin (or multiple).

Here are some of the features you’ll want to think about:

  • Customization: Odds are, you want your store to look like your unique store — not a cookie-cutter one that looks much like everyone else’s. Beyond the looks, you’ll also want to think about how much you can customize products, their categories, and layouts to make the plugin work for you.
  • Ease of use: If it’s challenging to figure out and configure, odds are you won’t love it. Pick a user-friendly plugin that has excellent reviews stating it’s not too difficult to learn.
  • Cost: You have to choose plugins based on what you can afford. Remember to think about how much more revenue you might be able to make by using them, though, as well.
  • Speed: Nobody likes a slow shopping experience, including Google! Make sure your eCommerce plugins (and your WordPress hosting) are fast enough for an optimal user experience to keep your potential customers from leaving before your pages even load.
  • Customer support: When setting up your eCommerce business on the platform you choose, you might run into questions or need help with certain settings. You want to choose an eCommerce solution that has excellent customer support.

While there might be other features that are important to you, those are the main ones to think about before choosing your eCommerce plugin.

6 Top eCommerce Plugins for WordPress

Ready to choose the right eCommerce plugin for your unique store? Let’s dive in.

Here are the plugins you’ll find in our list:

  1. WooCommerce
  2. Easy Digital Downloads
  3. WP Simple Pay
  4. MemberPress
  5. BigCommerce
  6. Shopify

1. WooCommerce

WooCommerce - Best eCommerce Plugins for WordPress

WooCommerce is used on 1 out of every 5 WordPress sites. It is the most popular WordPress eCommerce plugin and the most widely used WordPress eCommerce plugin of them all. That, plus how easy it is to use and how customizable it is, puts it at the top of our list of the best WordPress eCommerce plugins.

Part of the reason it’s so popular is because of the customization options. WooCommerce has its own marketplace full of themes and extensions from many different providers, so you can do just about anything you need with your shop.

For instance, you can take the basic, free plugin version of the WooCommerce platform and add extensions to help you create product bundles, make and manage coupons, run Google Ads, or manage gift cards.

WooCommerce also integrates with many different tools for business and WordPress, including MonsterInsights, Constant Contact, QuickBooks, and plenty more.

While all of these features make a WooCommerce store a fantastic choice, they can also make it more complicated, especially if you’re a small business not in need of so many features.

That said, you can use WooCommerce at a basic level and know that those options are all out there should you need them.

Pricing: The base WooCommerce plugin is free. There are many different WooCommerce extensions and themes that you can add to your store. Some of them are free, whereas some of them have various different costs.

Get started with WooCommerce now.

2. Easy Digital Downloads

Easy Digital Downloads

Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) is the best eCommerce plugin for stores selling digital products instead of physical products.

Like WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads is a WordPress tool, not a separate platform. Since this plugin was created for the sole purpose of selling digital goods on WordPress, it’s really awesome at doing just that.

This plugin works with any WordPress theme, works with tons of payment gateways like Stripe and PayPal, has a customizable checkout, and much more.

Pricing: You can start for free with the free version of Easy Digital Downloads or upgrade starting at $99.50 for more features and integrations.

Get started with Easy Digital Downloads now!

3. WP Simple Pay

WP Simple Pay - Best eCommerce Plugins for WordPress

WP Simple Pay is the perfect eCommerce plugin to use if you don’t want to set up a complex shopping cart system on your WordPress site. With this plugin, you can start accepting Stripe payments right away, and no coding is required to set it up.

WP Simple Pay lets you collect one-time payments as well as recurring payments. Subscription plans are easily created within your Stripe account and linked to WP Simple Pay. You can create installment plans, initial setup fees, and trial periods.

It also comes with helpful features like an intuitive, drag-and-drop payment form builder, custom payment form fields, coupon codes, multi-language and currency support, and more.

Pricing: There is a free version of the plugin available. You can upgrade to a premium version for more advanced features at $49.50.

Get started with WP Simple Pay now.

4. MemberPress


MemberPress is a fantastic option for selling subscriptions, membership plans, digital downloads, and more.

MemberPress is a WordPress-based platform with awesome features and extensions. You can build a course right inside it, choose from many options for giving access to buyers, create timed-release content, and more.

If you’re selling memberships or subscriptions, this is the best WordPress membership plugin you’ll find. You’ll have to buy a plan to use this plugin, but with the long list of features, it’s well worth it.

Pricing: MemberPress starts at $179.50 per year.

Get started with MemberPress now.

5. BigCommerce

BigCommerce - Best eCommerce Plugins for WordPress

BigCommerce is a separate eCommerce platform that’s not built on WordPress, but the BigCommerce for WordPress plugin makes their platform seamlessly integrate with your WordPress site.

BigCommerce also offers integrations with different tools for email marketing, accounting, shipping, and more.

Since BigCommerce isn’t built on WordPress, you’d have a separate platform for managing your products rather than doing it all within your WordPress admin. It also costs a monthly fee, whereas WooCommerce doesn’t have a recurring monthly fee for its basic plugin functionality.

This is a platform with lots of different features. To test them out, you can get started now with a free trial.

Pricing: BigCommerce starts at $29 per month after your free trial ends.

Try BigCommerce now.

6. Shopify

Shopify - Best eCommerce Plugins for WordPress

Shopify is a popular eCommerce platform, especially for beginners. They take care of a lot of the technical aspects of running an online store for you, making them a great choice if you don’t want to worry about all the details.

Shopify also has a lot of available features, like selling products both online and off, social media integration, lots of product organization options, Google Analytics integration, and more.

The drawback of using Shopify with WordPress is that, like BigCommerce, this is a separate platform, not built into WordPress. There is a plugin you can use, which is why Shopify made it onto our plugin list, but it inserts a “Buy Now” button on your WordPress website that leads to purchasing the item on the Shopify platform. It works well but isn’t quite as seamless as the others.

Pricing: The Shopify Buy Now button for WordPress is $5 per month.

Get started with Shopify now.

Honorable Mentions:

While these plugins didn’t make our list, they’re still worth checking out, especially if you have a smaller eCommerce store. All of these have a free plan available.

What are the Best eCommerce Plugins for WordPress?

All of the options on our list are good, but our top choices are WooCommerce for a traditional store, MemberPress for subscriptions, and Easy Digital Downloads for digital files.

All three of those tools were built specifically for WordPress, making them really focused on selling on WordPress. They all offer fantastic features with excellent customer support.

BONUS: Growth Booster WordPress eCommerce Plugins

Choosing your main eCommerce plugin to run your store is the first step. Once that’s done, you’ll probably be looking for ways to grow your store and make improvements that will increase your revenue.

Luckily, there are a lot of WordPress plugins out there that are perfect for eCommerce store owners who are looking to get ahead.

Here are a few to start with:

1. MonsterInsights

Once you’re set up with an eCommerce platform, you’re going to want to get eCommerce tracking set up in Google Analytics.

To set up eCommerce tracking with a couple of clicks and zero coding, then watch your stats right in your WordPress dashboard, use MonsterInsights.

MonsterInsights is the best Google Analytics plugin for WordPress. It makes eCommerce setup code-free, then allows you to monitor the ecommerce stats that matter the most to your store right in WordPress.

MonsterInsights eCommerce Report - GA4

MonsterInsights provides significant insights into your eCommerce performance, making it exceptionally easy to get data on your sales, top products, conversion rates, and more.

With the new Conversations AI tool, you can simply ask questions about your Google Analytics data and receive instant answers. Curious about your top-performing product or want to know last month’s sales figures? Just ask Conversations AI!

Conversations AI - eCommerce example

Plus, if your store runs on WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, MemberPress, Restrict Content Pro, GiveWP, or LifterLMS, you’ll have access to the User Journey addon.

With the User Journey report, you can quickly and easily see how users navigate your site before making a purchase. First, you’ll see how they found your site:

MonsterInsights User Journey Report

Then, you’ll see the journey details:

User Journey by MonsterInsights - Customer Journey Analytics

Beyond eCommerce metrics, MonsterInsights can set up multiple types of tracking and reports in just a couple of clicks, including:

  • Form tracking
  • Scroll depth
  • Media (video) tracking
  • Search Console keyword tracking
  • Campaign tracking
  • Google, Bing, and Facebook Ads conversion tracking
  • And much more!

Get Started with MonsterInsights Today!

2. All in One SEO (AIOSEO)

all in one seo wordpress plugin

No matter what type of WordPress website you have or which eCommerce plugin you choose, you need to use an SEO plugin to optimize your site.

All in One SEO is a fantastic WordPress SEO plugin with tons of features to help you get your site indexed in search engines, optimize your content, create amazing meta titles and descriptions, add schema to your site, and much more.

Plus, AIOSEO integrates with WooCommerce to help you optimize all product pages if that’s the eCommerce plugin you’ve chosen.

If you ignore SEO, your site will not rank well in search. Period.

Get started with AIOSEO now.

3. OptinMonster


OptinMonster is an incredibly powerful conversion optimization and lead generation plugin that can help you drastically increase sales on your eCommerce store.

Use OptinMonster to create high-converting campaigns like popups, fullscreen mats, floating bars, and much more. Each of these different campaigns has targeting options specifically for eCommerce stores, so they can be shown based on what’s in a shopper’s cart, what the total in the cart is, if specific products are placed in the cart, and more.

With all of these options, plus their huge library of templates to get started quickly, you can create super-targeted campaigns, reduce abandoned carts, and make a lot more revenue.

Get started with OptinMonster now.

That’s our list!

For more WordPress eCommerce tips, read:

For more fantastic WordPress plugins we recommend, check out 45 Best WordPress Plugins.

And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube for more helpful tool recommendations and Google Analytics tips.

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