Sample Application
Dr. Carla Hayden
Librarian of Congress
101 Independence Avenue, S.E.
Washington, DC 20540-1000
Dear Dr. Hayden:
On behalf of [organization], I am inquiring about the use of the Library of Congress [name of room] on the evening of [date] for [event].
The [organization] is a corporation or a [Identify whether your organization is a cultural, educational, literary, scientific or other organization as defined in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or another type of organization.]
[Describe the type, purpose, and time frame of the planned event, and the event's relation to the Library's mission, programs, or collections.]
[Paragraph outlining relevant connection of the proposed event to the Library. This connection is required for use of Library facilities. Describe existing or proposed relationship with the Library of Congress; e.g., sponsorship of a current or forthcoming Library initiative.]
[Organization] agrees to pay the standard administrative fee of [$ amount] plus direct expenses for the event, such as overtime, cleaning, and signage. I understand that the Library's Special Events Office will provide a budget outlining these costs.
I hope that you will give serious consideration to this request. [Name and title of senior level contact] will be in touch with your Office of Special Events and Public Programs to discuss this proposal.
[Signed by the head of the organization]
Proposal should be on organization letterhead and be signed by the head of the organization.