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Paul Jacobson

Paul Jacobson

Expert Communications Counsel in Crisis & Reputation Strategies | Former US Senate Staff | Journalist

View articles by Paul Jacobson

General Colin Powell's Leadership Primer

General Colin Powell's Leadership Primer

October 18, 2021

25 likes5 comments

Care and feeding of the overworked, underpaid and untrusted local business reporter

Care and feeding of the overworked…

September 20, 2016


Controversy over historic photo still doesn’t make Facebook a news journalism company

Controversy over historic photo still…

September 13, 2016

The lingering effects of powerful jingles...

The lingering effects of powerful jingles...

August 30, 2016

4 likes1 comment

Is this the end of online news story sections?

Is this the end of online news story…

August 19, 2016


State of hyper-transparency may mean less of it at work.

State of hyper-transparency may mean less of…

August 16, 2016

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