If You Want Something Different, You Have To Go Somewhere Different

If You Want Something Different, You Have To Go Somewhere Different

Let me ask you something… 

How are you doing? I mean, how are you really doing? 

When you stop and consider the different facets of your life, (relationships, parenting, work, health, etc.) how would you rate the strength of each of these areas? 

Excellent? Superb? Better than ever? 

While I certainly hope that is true for at least some areas of your life, if you’re like most of us, there is probably at least one facet of life (maybe more) that could use some improvement.

  • Maybe you’ve been wanting to get in shape and start fueling your body with foods that truly energize you. 
  • Perhaps you’ve been trying to be more patient with your kids. 
  • Do you have a business goal that you’ve been wanting to pursue?
  • Maybe your marriage has taken a backseat for far too long and could use a reboot. 

It’s normal to look at your life and identify changes that need to be made.

Let me say this in another way…

It’s OKAY to want to change something about your life. Healthy even! 

The desire for change is a desire for growth. 

It’s the ability to take an honest look at your life and identify the areas that are holding you back or getting in the way of other important goals.

Desire for change is certainly a good first step…but desire alone won’t produce the results you are looking for. If you’ve ever had a failed New Year’s Resolution, you know what I mean. 

If you truly want something different for your life, you have to GO somewhere different!

Let’s unpack this! 

Personal development speaker, Tony Robbins famously said, “If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.”

Basically, he’s speaking to the reality that you have make a change in order to GET a change. 

Here’s why: 

The environment and relationships we surround ourselves with have a HUGE impact on our results.

Let me give you an example!

If you have a goal of improving your health but you spend most of your time with people who don’t have healthy habits themselves, it’s going to be a lot harder for you to make the changes you desire than if you surround yourself with people who prioritize exercise and enjoy discussing healthy recipe ideas.

The right environment and the right people are the perfect recipe for change! If you want different results than what you’ve always had, you need to go somewhere else! 

Don’t worry…this isn’t as complicated as it sounds! 

Thanks to the digital world we live in, you can “go somewhere new” without even leaving your home. The internet is packed FULL of online communities and membership programs that can serve as a source of support, encouragement, and accountability for whatever life change you are seeking to make. 

Whatever your goals are, I guarantee there is a group of like-minded individuals waiting to welcome you with support and encouragement! In fact, this is the very reason I started my own membership program: The Brilliant Leaders Membership. 

If you are interested in joining a community of individuals motivated to make changes and pursue growth in life and business, click HERE to add your name to the waitlist today!

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