Within Moments of Life

Within Moments of Life

Matthew 6:34 “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” 

Abba Father good morning – Planning with diligence sets goals of focus and confines unhealthy worry. Well done planning through intentional prayer and intimate trust with our living God helps alleviate fear and consuming worry. Careful planning while seeking God’s guidance will allow life to unfold within hardships, struggles, trials, temptations, uncertainties of life’s brokenness. We must remember. God has a plan in motion beyond our expectations. A tremendous day is about to unfold. Our life has the ability to choose and decide what where we go, what we do, who we follow. Every moment our life has the choice to participate in this amazing gift of God’s powerful redeeming undeserved grace. A day of sustainable hope filled with an abundance of everlasting life. Our life can enjoy this day created, designed, and put in motion for good, filling our life with anointed promises in the living bible; or we can over worry about tomorrow. Overloading our heart. Consuming our mind. Straining our soul all while missing treasures of this day. There will be unexpected opportunities our living God created, designed, and put in motion embedded within this very day; moments appearing like the breeze of the wind surrounding our life with encouragement to share the love of Jesus within this world. If we are not extremely careful the ways of this world will attempt to overpower these blessing of undeserved grace within this day. Gifts enriching our life tremendously as we reach out willingly into the lives of others: sharing our time, our energy, our resources. Instilling hope with unconditional love and compassionate forgiveness. We might never know whose life we touched. How it affected their day. Redirected their life. The living bible teaches about reaching out to others. Walking alongside imperfect people right where they are in life; speaking words of encouragement to the hopeless, hurting, overwhelmed. Words breathing the love of our Lord Jesus into lives consumed with fears, worries, anxieties, depression, and hopelessness. The same words, same actions, same compassion when that someone reached out and touched our imperfect life with comfort at that unexpected moment of time. That moment is created within this very day to help someone live moment by moment; someone so overwhelmed they can’t even imagine tomorrow. This day holds precious treasures of undeserved grace. Gifts we will miss if we focus all our time, our energy, our resources on tomorrow. Planning for tomorrow is time well spent. Worrying about tomorrow is time wasted. Don’t let the worries of tomorrow affect our life so much that we miss the gifts of undeserved grace embedded within this very day from our living God who loves all of life unconditionally; every life matters. Within this day created, designed, and put in motion is a life of eternal salvation overcoming the ways of this broken world. Reading, holding, embracing the living bible our heart, our mind, our soul becomes alive with amazing hope to live within this day moment by moment with our living God, our Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit. Willingly embracing undeserved grace our life will become transformed and overshadowed moment by moment in ways this world can never comprehend. Ways we cannot earn, we cannot purchase, we cannot create, and the ways of this world can never provide. This way of life is living by faith believing, accepting, trusting, following God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit with our heart, our mind, our soul. Willingly embracing this life of faith our life will be renewed, refreshed, redeemed, restored. Our life will breathe everlasting hope with unconditional love, compassionate forgiveness, eternal life in heaven. This day my friend is a gift of undeserved grace. We have a choice, a decision, a way of life to choose. What lives deep within our heart, our mind, our soul is life. Every moment of our life is reflection of where we go, what we do, who we follow. This life counts my friend.  

Father – Thank you for this gift of one day at a time. One moment at time. Pour blessing upon my life opening my heart, my mind, my soul to willingly encounter and engage imperfect people. Help me to share all the gifts of undeserved grace created, designed, and put in motion reflecting sustainable hope, unconditional love, compassionate forgiveness. Help me to love everyone. Imperfect people in a worthy manner breathing all praise, all honor, all glory to you forever Abba Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit. 

Michael J Zenner

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