Why Measuring Progress Matters

This week the lesson of how to effectively implement meaningful and visible measurement is coming up repeatedly in the work I’m doing.

I've had the pleasure of working with a group of highly engaged people leaders, as I guide them through focused conversations exploring a “hot topic” of the month. It’s a practical, fit-for-purpose leadership development approach that creates connection, builds capability, and encourages participants to walk away from the session and immediately “try on” a new leadership habit so the change process can be seen and felt in their teams sooner.

This week’s topic was burnout.

More specifically, we’ve been discussing the source of burnout that many are feeling these days.

Is it too much work?

Not necessarily.

Read that again.


If not too much work, what is it then?

For many, it’s the missing link between the work they are doing and seeing results.

I often talk about Connected Leadership, and this is a key part of creating a culture of connectedness.

Creating a culture that attracts, develops, and retains top talent isn’t about “being nice” or removing transparency and accountability.

In fact, transparency and accountability are the catalysts to increased trust and job satisfaction.

It’s all about setting up the processes, tools, and metrics that allow your top talent to be a part of something that aligns to their own values, and truly seeing how they contribute to the bigger priorities every day.

I encourage you to consider how you might bring visuals into your team’s life. And maybe even into your own life!

Measuring the right habits, the right processes, and the right interim milestones create connection.

We all want to see progress.

What are you tracking? 

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