Why ADHD isn't a problem but a gift.

Why ADHD isn't a problem but a gift.

Today, we're 'focusing' on ADHD.

And why it’s natural and a pointer to our greatest gift and power.

And not a problem unless we make it one.

Stand in front of a room full of business leaders and ask them how many feel they've some form of ADHD and you'd likely be surprised by how many would put their hand in the air.

Ask how many know what ADHD really is and you'd likely be surprised again.

We may label ourself, others or our children as having ADHD and believe it’s a problem or disadvantage.

Or something we need to overcome or control.

As adults, we may judge our own lack of focus and seek all kinds of self-help tools to resolve it.

From productivity planners to Pomodoro timers to mindset coaching or even therapy.

And helpful as these may all appear to be.

They're all tools to treat a symptom and not the root cause of the symptoms.

Because here’s the actual 'problem'. 

One which young children don't have.

It’s having forgotten who we really are.

Infinite beings with infinite choices expressing in the mind in relation to what we give our awareness and attention to.

ADHD is a beautiful signpost to just how free and powerful we are as creators.

But, as adults, having forgotten this, we frequently don’t make our choices from what we’d Love.

And so we're not being led by our ideal.

Instead we make choices from what we believe ...

Such as: I need a job / new clients to pay the mortgage / bills or I need or should do or...

I need this to be safe, secure, worthy, good enough, feel better, etc.

I can't because I am or this is... or I am not... or I have to...

And then it's no wonder we can’t focus!

'Must', 'need', 'should' and 'have to' are not exactly motivational.

And if we live from these demands, we’re not living as we’re meant to.

We’re living in a cage of the mind.

Settling or striving for glimpses of freedom and moments of relief.

Yet, we're already free.

"I AM" is who we essentially are.

Prior to any labels.

I can label myself as anything I might imagine but I cannot deny that 'I AM'.

The same is true for each of us. We're a pure blank canvas of potential in every moment.

And whatever we bring to the infinite canvas of our 'I AM' awareness and activate in the mind, we express in our experience. 

👉 I AM…

👉 They are…

👉 This is...

👉 It is…

We do ALL of the colouring in!

We add all the meaning. We do the judging.

We do the identifying.

Label ourself or anyone as being or having something, continue to give this our awareness and we get this as our experience!

I AM unable to focus included!

That’s how powerful WE are.

The French philosopher, Descartes had it the wrong way around when he said "I think therefore I AM."

It's "I AM, therefore I think".

Whether we recognise it or not, everything in our experience borrows its 'reality' from our awareness of it and our colouring of it.

And when something dis-appears from being perceived by our senses, it lives on within our awareness.

We’re responsible for the 'apparent' continuity of experiences.

Our Awareness holds continuity in place and yet we're always 100% free to choose what we give our awareness to.... regardless of appearances or memories.

When we remember who we really are, we realise ‘ADHD’ is a beautiful symptom of our infiniteness.

And of just how truly FREE we are to choose.

In adults, ADHD is a symptom of not yet having DECIDED on / COMMITTED to what we’d really Love.

It's a function of 'doing to be' and this is the recipe for striving and distraction.

In forgetting our true nature, we're wandering in the mind trying to find the happiness, security, success and certainty we already are...

And we're being led by the mind and not by what we Love!

And, as with any perceived problems, resolving them isn’t possible if we keep giving them our awareness!

We’ve got to give awareness to what we’d Love in order to experience it.

So the ‘cure’ for ADHD is to recognise it for what it actually is.

As adults, it's an invitation to choose what we'd Love and to fall in Love with this.

To commit to a choice.

When we're in Love with an idea or ideal, being committed and focused on it is effortless and actions and outcomes follow.

Because that's how the mind works - whatever we align with the fulfilment of, has to be expressed and experienced.

The truth is ...


Total freedom in the infinite mind and complete freedom to choose.

Life is about recognising the infinite possibilities that exist within each of us.

And that we are free to CHOOSE from any of them.

The choices we make and what we then give our awareness and attention to determines our experiences.

And when we fall in Love with and COMMIT to a Vision for something, we find our awareness looks after itself.

We’re literally moved by Love to have the experience.

The same is true when we give awareness to what we don't want - because Love (Awareness) is unconditional.

ADHD in adults is merely a symptom of forgetting our freedom and therefore not committing to our ideal.

And forgetting that when we stop giving awareness to any 'perceived' problem, it can't continue in our experience.

Just as when we give awareness to what we’d Love and stay true to this, it must be experienced

ADHD is an invitation to make a choice - one based on what you'd love to experience.

Awareness is everything.

Literally. And our awareness is as free as a bird.

As far as children are concerned, as adults, our role is to remember they’re still marvelling at having arrived in an infinite sweetshop!

They’re all over the place because - as children - they're meant to be!

👉 Everywhere all at once is our true nature.

👉 We’re infinite in potential. 'I AM' prior to labels is boundless.

👉 We’re free spirits, here to choose and to have the experience of 'perceiving' limitation!

👉 And we're free to choose from an infinite menu.

👉 Children are exploring to allow them to determine their preferences.

Kids still remember how unlimited and free they truly are.

They know we didn't come here to become more or to work to be good enough or for approval.

They know we're here to play, to have what we want and that there's no why for play other than to play!

The creative power of imagination is very much active and alive in children... and for good reason!

It's the only creative power there is.

So, our job is NOT to educate (adulterate) them into believing they're limited or to label them as having a problem.

Our job is to support the development of their intellectual faculties whilst ALSO ensuring we don't diminish their knowledge of themselves and of how free they are to choose.

Our job is to encourage their continued awareness of their innate power and freedom.

Not to put 'bricks in the invisible wall' just because we’ve been educated to forget.

ADHD is healthy - it’s a function of our nature.

It’s to be celebrated!

View it for what it really is, be grateful for it.

Let the kids decide based on what they'd Love and they'll commit and focus by default.

The 'problem' arises when we judge their 'distraction' or start to educate them based on what we want or think or believe is appropriate or possible for them... just so we can be less fearful.

That’s not very loving because then it’s all about us!

Our job is to imagine lovingly (for everyone) and to inwardly see them happy, fulfilled and free.


❤️ happy, whole and fulfilled is our very nature. 'I AM' prior to being defined is lacking nothing!

❤️ our experience is our awareness pushed out and reflected back..

❤️ everything borrows its reality from our awareness of and our 'colouring' of it.

❤️ perceived problems only exist because of our continued awareness of them.

Just as what’s lovely does too....

Because we are pure awareness perceiving our own conceptions.

So, as for adults with supposed 'ADHD'...

Why not throw out all the ideas of what you think or believe you should or could or need or must do or what you believe isn't possible or sensible or appropriate?

If you don’t Love your career or your business, why continue with it?

Or why continue to give awareness to what you don’t like about it or anything?

It's worth asking ourself?

Because life is about living FROM our ideal, not TO it one day when.

It's about choosing a vision for what you’d really love to experience and how you'd Love to live your days!

And falling in Love with it in imagination like we all did as kids.

When we do this, the so-called ADHD disappears in favour of us being very aware and focused FROM what we Love!

And ADHD becomes Awareness Directed Hyper-enjoyable Dream.

That’s what we're here for.

To be aware of the infinite possibilities and to be led by our heart, not by the "freaking" mind and it's A.D.B.S.

Awareness & Mind Coaching for ambitious leaders and teams.

Fonzy Montenegro

💯 High-Yielding Emails That Land In The Inbox 🏆 | Helped a 7-figure client get $5 revenue per visit on multiple offers


I guess we should put children through a specialized school that will keep them in touch with awareness and creative state. A school that will encourage them to see the mind as a tool and not identify with it.

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