Where Does Self-Confidence Come From?

Where Does Self-Confidence Come From?

Self-confidence really comes from feeling good about yourself. One of the best ways to feel good about yourself is to know that at the end of the day you put it on – you did your best: If you conducted a meeting, you did your best; If you made a phone call it was the best phone call you could possibly make; If you negotiated a deal, you optimized the possible gains. At the end of those kinds of days when you feel good about yourself, self confidence begins to rise. You know that if you can have those kinds of days, you can have another one and another one, and those days become weeks, and those weeks become months, and the months become a powerful year.

Secondly, do not neglect the small daily disciplines, because Self-confidence also comes from the lack of neglect. If you don’t neglect to do the small daily disciplines such as honoring your commitments, meeting appointments, beating deadlines – your self-confidence will grow unerringly. Even Intuition, as Philip Goldberg wrote in his book, ‘The Intuitive Edge,’ “…seems to work best when we are highly motivated, confident, and deeply involved in the subject matter.”

To develop self-confidence, you also need to harness the power of Habits. Here’s the thing: Habit is created by repeatedly directing one or more of the five senses of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and feeling, in a given direction. After habit has been well established, it will automatically control and direct our bodily activity, wherein may be found a thought that can be transformed into a powerful factor in the development of Self-Confidence. Voluntarily, and by force if necessary, direct your efforts and your thoughts along a desired line until you have formed the habit that will take hold and continue, voluntarily, to direct your efforts along the same line.

Part of good health is also self-confidence. I know I am healthy because; “I do my morning physical exercising”, “I drink enough water”, “I take enough rest”, “and I eat good and healthy foods sparingly in a proper balanced diet.” In those kinds of disciplines, self-confidence automatically grows, which positively affects your health, your future and your psyche.

Self-confidence also comes from your ability to rise above your circumstances. To rise above whatever happens, from the petty little things to the discouraging things that will sink everyone’s ship except yours. Those things that cause someone else to quit, but you keep going. That kind of willingness to overcome all circumstances – whether the little or big challenges. If you’re willing to do that, I promise you, your self-confidence will be unshakable and it will make a difference.

You should be cautioned, however, to learn the difference between Self-Confidence, which is based on sound knowledge of what you know and what you can do, and egotism, which is based only on what you wish you knew or could do. Learn the difference between these two terms or you will make yourself boring, ridiculous, and annoying to people of understanding. Self-Confidence is something that should never be proclaimed or announced except through intelligent performance of constructive deeds. If you have Self-Confidence, those around you will surely know.

That being said, Self-confidence means willingness to do whatever it takes. Some people say; “I’ll do it a little and see what happens or “I will try it in a few months – if it doesn’t work, I quit.” That kind of attitude doesn’t have a bright future. But if you’re willing to do whatever it takes; Learn a couple of things, Take on certain courses, Read certain books, Consult certain people – whatever it takes, do it and you’ll develop unshakable self-confidence.

About the writer:

Andrew Ssaazi is a Life Coach, Speaker & Author.

Get yourself a copy of Andrew’s book on Personal & Professional development, titled: The Homework of Potential Greatness (Go further than you intend).

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