What Wellness Initiatives Really Work?

What Wellness Initiatives Really Work?

This week it is Mental Health Awareness Week and this email jumped out at me from my inbox.

Jane is an HR Manager at a leading law firm and asked me this question, 'Carole, what wellness initiatives really work? So often the firm starts initiatives but it doesnt last long enough and we go back to square one. Can you help me?'

Sure I can and here is some of my reply to her which I share with my readers as well.

It is not uncommon for companies to regularly introduce wellness initiatives and find them to be unsustainable after the initial enthusiasm wears off - so here are some practicable suggestions to consider:

Be strategic:

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To be effective, communication of the aims and objectives of any wellness initiative needs to come from the top of the organization. The CEO and the board need to say why they are introducing such initiatives, why they think they are important and to what time frame they are working. They need to emphasise that this is not a one-off project but a work-life balance programme that offers long-term benefits to the whole organization.


For any initiative to be successful it needs to be well publicised. Don't keep it a secret! Make sure that all your employees know what is happening, when and where. Publish the positive results you hope to achieve and offer incentives to participants so that everyone feels involved and an integral part of the programme. If you have an intranet, this could be an ideal place to promote the new initiative. Encourage your people to talk about it, feel involved, and give their views about what improvements could be made and why. People love to share their opinions especially if they feel someone is listening to them. Make feedback and suggestions from staff at all levels welcome.   

Create Wellness Ambassadors: 

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Wellness ambassadors are essential to champion the cause and whip up enthusiasm. They will be in charge of promoting events, delivering formal presentations and talking to people informally around the coffee machine. They can also provide valuable feedback as to how individual initiatives are being received and implemented.

Be relevant: 

All wellbeing initiatives need to be relevant to the organization in order for them to be sustainable. Environments change over time and it is important to review your range of initiatives annually because what worked well last year may not work well in 2014. However, if you are going to modify any specific initiative, then make sure you explain to your team the reasons for the change and make sure you provide an alternative.


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Invite external speakers to talk about individual wellbeing topics. Introduce lunchtime workshops/talks where people can learn, enjoy and feel motivated about their own wellbeing. If you run masterclass programmes within the organization, then why not include wellness modules within these programs and implement the learning that comes from the feedback? This is not a time for silo working, this is a time for working together for the common cause; for competitive advantage and for increased talent retention – all for the benefit of the organization and its members.

Happiness days: 

Allocate days when smiley faces abound around the office. Happiness doesn't necessarily come from only from a salary bonus, it comes from personal satisfaction and recognition which is the key to maintaining a healthy organization. Focus on ‘happiness at work’ as one of your wellbeing initiatives and see the enthusiasm and energy grow exponentially!

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The greater accountability you have with your initiatives, the greater the results will be which in turn will create greater positive energy around the workplace and increase morale and productivity.

As long as your initiatives are inclusive and employees feel that they are an integral part in the development process, the greater will be the chance of success with your wellbeing programme.   You not only want positive reviews but you want positive actions. This programme should be for everyone at all levels.  All staff need to feel that their input and participation is valued and are able to see a role for themselves within it. If they do, they will not only work hard, but want to work harder and want to be more productive as a member of a successful organisation.

The key to the suceess of any wellness initiative is commitment and motivation. Have the right people on board with the right brief and you will achieve the right result.

It is not complicated and doesnt have to cost the company anything. Its all about passion, communication and motivation. And of course sustainability. That goes without saying...OK - I've just said it. :)

Key points

  •  Wellness initiatives must be sustainable
  • They must be inclusive throughout the organization
  • Properly designed and implemented, they can maximize morale 

Carole Spiers is an international Motivational Speaker and C-suite Executive Consultant. She will deliver a charismatic, high-impact keynote presentation on how to reduce stress, build resilience and improve your mental health at your next conference. 

Contact us: info@carolespiersgroup.co.uk or call + 44 (0) 20 8954 1593. www.carolespiersgroup.co.uk

Book Carole as a Motivational Speaker now!  She will deliver a charismatic, high-impact keynote presentation on stress, resilience or change at your next conference. 

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Morag Ormiston FCIPD MBACP (Accred)

Human Resources and Wellbeing Consultant, Psychotherapist and Coach


Top down and bottom up - engagement is key. Link to the culture and ensure you don’t start a tick box exercise of unrelated activities.

Doug Strycharczyk

Managing Director at AQR International


Carole Spiers 🎤 Stress, Wellbeing, Organisational Change Speaker Most wellness initiatives work for most people. They just don't always work for all people - because we all have our own mental approach to life. Its working out what works for you that really matters - and that often means self awareness about how we respond mentally to events and what happens to us and around us.

Carole Spiers 🎤 Stress, Resilience and Wellbeing Public Speaker

Showing organisations how to improve their bottom line by reducing stress and improving mental health and wellbeing. | Founder International Stress Awareness Week. | Experienced Virtual Presenter.


If you are looking at in-house wellness initiatives that dont have to cost your company anything, then book a complimentary 30-minute call with me https://calendly.com/carolespiersgroup/30min-1?month=2020-08. I look forward to hearing from you.


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