What Seed Lives Within You …

What Seed Lives Within You …

James 5:8 ~ You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord's coming is near. 

Abba Father good morning ~ Living patient is extremely challenging. It takes utmost discipline with all the instant gratifications surrounding our life. Standing firmly is living courageously. It believes what you believe in the confrontation of delusions. A farmer boldly plants seeds in the spring and patiently waits for harvest. This same farmer stands fearlessly firm in cultivating, fertilizing, watering, nurturing. Not just waiting but preparing fields, equipment, researching technology. At just the right moment the harvest is implemented. Gathering crops, filling bins, transporting to customers. Patience for a farmer to stand firm within the storms, droughts, diseases is way of life trusting all unknowns to The Lord Our God. We are all farmers in our own way within this life. We might plant different variety of seeds boldly within different storms, droughts, and diseases challenging our way of life. But living patiently. Standing courageously firm like a farmer is a way of life of believing what we believe. It’s what we believe that determines our patience, standing firm, harvest produced. What seeds of fearlessness are you planting? Are you prepared for storms, droughts, and diseases? Where are you living patient? How are you standing firm? What will the harvest look like years and years after you are long gone? Generations to generations upon generations. One must live alert. The ways of this world is not living patiently but is standing firmly on shaky ground. A worldly foundation that will not hold, sustain, or support all the storms, droughts, diseases throughout life. These worldly foundations will collapse, disintegrate, dissipate at an unknown moment of time. The living bible teaches about a heavenly foundation that will hold, sustain, support. An engageable heavenly foundation within everyday hardships of life. No struggle, trial, temptation, uncertainty of this life will collapse, disintegrate, or dissipate this heavenly foundation of amazing strength built on standing courageously firm, on all truthfulness, and anointed promises within the living bible. This solid foundation on which we fearlessly stand is a way of life of living within heavenly faith living sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Living faith intimately breathing everlasting life in heaven within every moment willingly believing, accepting, trusting, following within Our Living God, Our Lord Christ Jesus, Holy Spirit. The ways of this world will attempt to deceive our everyday life with foundations of untruthfulness, unworthiness, ungodliness. Enticing our life to stand firm within worldly delusions that will collapse, disintegrate, dissipate at an unknown moment. Reading the living bible, clinging it tightly, engaging it willingly; our life will live on an anointed foundation standing firmly within living hope, agape love, sacrificial forgiveness, everlasting life in heaven. Our Lord Christ Jesus lived among the ways of this world planting livable seeds within living hearts, living minds, living souls. Fertilizing lives with anointed miracles, living hope, engageable protective promises. Patiently standing firm as the ways of this world prepared for cultivation. At just the right moment the storm approached. The drought was underway. Diseases are appearing. The foundation is challenged. Standing firm was questioned. The worldly mocking started. The humanistic persecution was underway. The staged trial initiated. The life-changing crucifixion was implemented. Our Lord Christ Jesus was viciously beaten, brutally nailed to a cross, mockingly left to die. Accusers watching as the anointed foundation; the heavenly foundation firmly held. The ground purposefully shook. The curtain was alertly torn. Day turned to night.. The engageable moment arrived as Our Lord Christ Jesus was sealed within the tomb. Standing firmly is questioned. Like a seed breaking through the ground surrounded by darkness. The resurrection was actively underway. The heavenly foundation held. Standing firm was affirmed. The tomb was opened. Our Lord Christ Jesus was not present. The powerful resurrection intimately occurred. Seeds of everlasting life in heaven have been planted. The heavenly crop is emerging. The life-changing harvest is actively underway. Remember ~ We have a choice, a decision, a way of life to choose. Our life can live within the fields of the ways of this world’s dilutions, drying up in storms, droughts, diseases of everyday life. Or live as an anointed seed, emerging out of the worldly darkness, anointedly prepared for the heavenly harvest to come within God the Father ~ God the Son ~ God the Holy Spirit. What seeds are living intimately planted deeply within our inner-core of thriving life: Our Heart ~ Our Mind ~ Our Soul? How will the harvest affect our life, family, friends, encounters with all of life? What fertilizers are you intentionally using? How will you live cultivated? Reflect if you must with utmost urgency. Remember ~ Like a planted seed emerging buried within the ground, there’s turbulence coming out of the worldly darkness. One must live alert. The Lord Our God’s anointed harvest of everlasting life in heaven is actively underway. 

Father ~ Thank you for fertilizing my sinful, imperfect, humanistic life. Loving my life unconditionally. Forgiving me compassionately. Intimately preparing my life for the heavenly harvest actively coming. Abba Father ~ Rest Your Hand on the foundation of my life. Protectively engaging the turbulence within my life. Teaching my life how live within the engageable anointed, sustainable, protective promise of everlasting life in heaven. Helping my life live a new life of emerging abundance. My uniquely gifted seed intimately planted forever and ever within you God the Father ~ God the Son ~ God the Holy Spirit.

Michael J Zenner

Col Johnston

Our Gospel In Song Collection


You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord’s coming is near (James 5:8). See the video “#1925.1- Be Patient“ from “Our Gospel In Song” collection - https://youtu.be/u2pkqB5E7jI   See all the Christian videos from “Our Gospel In Song” collection - search youtube.com/@Col4839/videos

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