Tips for Navigating the Energy of the Christmas Season

Tips for Navigating the Energy of the Christmas Season

Hello Beautiful Souls,

As the year begins to gracefully bow out, December invites us to slow down and embrace the energy of the season. It's a time for reflection, a time for renewal, and above all, a time to tap into the wellspring of energy within ourselves...

But let's be honest. Most of us live in the real world! And in reality, December is a time when we have endless to-do lists (twice as much as any other month), deadlines galore for those of us in business, and we probably go a little too generous with the Baileys and Whiskey. Because it's Christmas right?! 

So,  how do we pull ourselves back from the brink and move down into our heart space again, connect with our body and let go of the need to be perfect and get everything done?

1. The Power of Reflection In all of the madness of the festive preparations, there's a gentle beauty in stealing moments of quiet reflection. Yet we never seem to find time to sit with them. Or maybe you would rather do anything but sit with them - especially if you have a lot of trauma/grief/loss rearing its head over the Christmas season.  

But running away from our thoughts doesn't help. 

We just crash into January with blood shot eyes and an extra 10 pounds we will be trying to shift for the first quarter of next year.

So be brave. 

Find a little time for quiet reflection. 

Stop running. 

What comes up? 

What worked well for you this year? 

How did you grow?

What would you like to leave behind you as you move on to next year?

Acknowledge the challenges and celebrate the victories.

Reflecting on the journey, both  personal and professional, lets us enter the new year with clarity and purpose. 

Who doesn't want that?!

2. Getting out into Nature

Nature, in all its wisdom, knows the power of renewal. In the madness of December, trees are still a canvas of quiet potential. Notice how the trees shed what isn't serving them. Maybe you can do the same, creating space for new growth. Whether it's letting go of old habits, unproductive thought patterns, or unfulfilling routines, the fresh, crisp air and the wisdom around you, will slow you down and fill up your cup. 3. The Energetics of the Season Everything is energy. Energy is the silent force that guides us through life. During the holidays, the energy around us becomes charged with warmth, generosity, and goodwill (most of the time)! In the middle of all of this, it's easy to forget to check in with ourselves. 

It's crucial to be mindful of your own energy. 

Are you giving more than you're receiving? 

Are you honouring your need for rest and reflection? 

Tapping into our own energy reserves ensures we stay calm in the chaos and stay authentic to our true selves. Beautiful!

4. Tapping Into Self-Care: The Greatest Gift With all the hustle and bustle, it's easy to lose sight of ourselves. The greatest gift we can give during this season is the gift of tapping into our authentic selves. This doesn't require grand gestures but small, intentional moments of self-care. 

Whether it's a quiet cup of tea, a walk in nature, or a few minutes of mindful breathing, these acts recharge our energy and connect us with our inner essence.

Because you're worth it!

Take the advice you would give to a best friend and tap into some self care, often.

5. Closing the Year with Intention

As December moves on, let's close the year with intention. This focus will build strength, resilience and determination as you move forward. 

What energy do you want to carry into the new year? 

What intentions will guide your journey? 

Choose to journal on all of the above prompts, as you move through December, or ponder them over a cup of tea or while out in nature. By consciously choosing the energy we bring into each day, we become the writers of our own script - and we can choose to be the hero of it too!

A huge thank you to everyone that I have connected with in 2023. Wishing you all the best of everything for the year ahead xx

Before you go! Have a super quick glimpse Into my  2024 programs at Norah Mahony Coaching. Goals Mastery Blueprint:  A fully comprehensive DIY program (Currently has a bonus Q&A coaching session with me). You can see more information on that here: 

"Profit Unleashed," is coming soon! This is a program designed for heart-led entrepreneurs ready to align their business with their authentic selves. If you're curious about embracing new energy in your business and unleashing consistent profits, stay tuned by signing up to my newsletter link on my website home page here.

Would you like complimentary support? 21 journal prompts and a downloadable morning mindset sheet, designed to keep you on track with simplicity and ease over the holiday season. You can access those gifts from me to you, here.

Wishing you a season full of love, inner light and lots of joy.

Huge love.

Norah x

Elisa Silbert

Senior Executive across Finance, Media, Sport, Wellness Industries | Entrepreneurial Director with passion for Building Brands across diverse markets | Certified Trauma Informed Somatic Therapist


Well shared 👐Energy is the silent force that guides us through life. During the holidays, the energy around us becomes charged with warmth, generosity, and goodwill.

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