Thursdays Motivation

Thursdays Motivation

Good Morning Friends,


Thursday has arrived and is waiting for you to choose the direction you wish to go in for the day. It's time to expand your horizons and your ideas of what is possible in your life. Make time to dream and explore new possibilities of what you wish it to be. No matter your current place, you are only confined to the life you live by the choices you make each day. The message for the day is about being in the drivers seat of life; don't let anyone change your direction or attitude with their thoughts or opinions. The choices as always are up to You; Choose wisely.










Who's In Charge Of Your Life?

 Sometimes it sounds foolish or frustrating to think positive when times are really bad and a few people make it worse for you, doesn't it?

But just tell me, if I call you tomorrow morning, while you are still in bed and say, "You are an Angel for me and I'm blessed to have such a good person in my life. May God bless you".

How would you feel?

Won't it be a great feeling and a great way to start a fantastic day?

Next morning I again call you but this time I say, "You Rascal! You are the dumbest and most foolish person on the earth I've ever met. You screwed me and you will be screwed...etc".

How would you feel now?

Of course it would be a frustrating day, with a sad feeling, because you heard all the crap in the morning while you were still in bed!

Now answer my question - "Who is controlling 'your' life?"

Am I supposed to control YOUR life? Is that right?

When I say something good about you, does it makes you a good person and vice versa?


Before you were born, God put in nine months of effort to create you. Would anyone waste nine months intentionally? NO… NEVER. He made you for a 'Purpose'.

So, don't hand over control of your life to anyone else.

Instead of saying "Take Care", say," Take a chance, Take charge and create an opportunity", as obstacles are only illusions!

--- Shiv Khera and Dr.Robert Schuller



Thursday's lame attempt at


OK, so there's this blonde driving down the road in her brand new, candy-apple red, $125,000 Lamborghini. She's cruisin' about 95, radio blaring, having a great time. She comes up on this trucker who is carrying a double-wide home and is taking up both lanes. To her disliking, he is only going about 45. To get the point across that she wants to get past, she decides to tailgate him. So, she gets to within a foot of his rear bumper. The trucker looks back and sees her on his ass, and motions for her to get off of it, but to her it looks like a wave and she waves back. Since her first attempt was futile, she decided to get a little closer and begin flashing her headlights, hopefully making herself more visible in the process. Once again the trucker sees her on his ass, and this time motions for her to pull over to the side of the road.

The trucker steps out of his vehicle with a chunk of chalk and draws a circle three feet in diameter in the middle of the road. He instructs her not to move until he tells her to. Naive as she was, she agrees to it and steps inside it.

The trucker goes back to his truck and pulls out a 50-ounce Louisville Slugger. He walks over to the Lamborghini and beats it, and beats it, and beats it again. When he is done, all that is left is a brand new, candy-apple red, $125,000 pile of metal. Satisfied, he throws the bat in his truck and walks over to the blonde. When he gets there, to his astonishment, she is rolling around on the street laughing hysterically. He asks her, "Why are you laughing? I just beat the crap out of your car!!" She is laughing too hard to respond, but between giggles he can make out, "While you weren't looking I stepped out of the circle!"

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