The SMARTEST Way to Lose 30lbs in 6 Months

The SMARTEST Way to Lose 30lbs in 6 Months

In today’s issue, I’m going to show you how to lose 30lbs in 6 months; and keep it off for the rest of your life. 

Trust me when I say this: There is a BAD way to lose weight. And the worse the method, the more likely it is that you’ll gain the weight back (and then some).

I don’t want that for you. I want you to lose this stubborn fat, regain your energy, fit your clothes better & NEVER have to worry about needing to lose this weight again. 

Here’s the 3 ways you get this done. 

Prioritize Muscle Over Weight Loss.

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When most people want to lose weight, they try to do anything that will create an immediate impact on the scale. Keto, going vegan, juice diets.

We live in a culture where trying to lose 30lbs in 30 days doesn’t sound insane, but it should. Losing that much weight, in that short a time frame, means you stripped off a LOT of muscle mass in the process, which will do 3 things:

  • Make you lethargic & sluggish.
  • Decrease your metabolism, making it harder for you to lose weight.
  • Decrease muscle definition, making you appear “skinny fat”.

You should aim to preserve as much muscle as you can while you’re losing weight, which means you should be aiming to lose 0.5 - 2lbs of fat per week.

You prioritize muscle in training & nutrition by:

  • Lifting weights
  • Eating 25-30% of your calories in protein
  • Getting high quality fruits & veggies in

Work On Your Gut.

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Your gut is vital to your long term health, and your ability to lose body fat consistently. Bad food & bad habits, introduce bad bacteria to the gut. After awhile, the bad bacteria starts to take over, and it does things like: 

  • Throw off hunger signals (making you eat drastically more or drastically less than you should)
  • Elevate stress levels (which causes visceral fat gain (the bad fat) around the midsection)
  • Increase irritability & anxiety. The gut - brain link is real, and your gut will impact how you think & act. 

You want to start introducing GOOD bacteria to your gut, that beats out the bad bacteria. This will help restore your gut lining, improve digestion & have you feeling better than ever. Here’s 3 things that’ll help you improve your gut health & make weight loss even easier.

  • Foods high in probiotics like greek yogurt, garlic, onions
  • Daily probiotic. The one I recommend to my clients, here. 
  • Chewing slowly, and eating at the table. Chewing slowly allows our body to fully digest our food, which tremendously improves gut health.

Relieve Your Stress.

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Over 70% of adults report high levels of stress on a daily basis. We’re just a stressed out country. Stress is BAD for weight loss, and overall health in general. It increases cortisol levels, which messes with hunger hormones, anxiety levels & slows the metabolism.

Stress creates the perfect storm for not being able to lose weight.

Some of the most impactful stress relief tips I have my clients implement are:

  • A morning routine. Instead of starting your day putting out fires from the day before, start it focused on YOU. Wake up 30 - 60 minutes in advance and take a morning walk, or work out, or do a daily gratitude log. Starting the day this way makes it so much easier to prioritize healthy habits throughout the day.
  • Ditch the processed food. One of the biggest reasons for stress, is from spiking & plummeting blood sugar levels, which your processed sugars & fried foods are GREAT at inducing. This kind of food just throws our bodies out of wack. So go whole, minimally processed only.
  • GO TO BED. It’s not a badge of honor to hardly get sleep. It’s shaving years from your life. If you truly want to make progress in your health, you’ll take bedtime just as serious as waking up on time.

So to recap, here’s how you’ll lose your next 30lbs of body fat in 6 months:

  • Prioritize building muscle instead of weight loss
  • Work on healing your gut
  • Manage your stress

If you can make these 3 shifts, mentally & practically, you’ll start looking & feeling better than you ever have.

Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

1. Join my 8 Week Challenge & Get Tailored Workouts & Meals for Your Goals here. (100+ Members)

2. Work With Me 1:1 & Get Fully Custom Coaching for Your Goals, here. (45/50 Spots Filled)

PS: After September 2nd, full editions of this newsletter will no longer be posted on Instagram. If you get value from these & want to continue, sign up for the newsletter on my website, here.

Wendy B.

Association Coordinator at Nonprofit Organization


Montel Hardin, I hear a lot about when you lose weight the incorrect or least effective way, you will gain it back and more. What contributes to that? Why would you gain it back and possibly more?

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