Small Wins for Big Wellbeing
Image from Canva, GenAI from Gemini, and story by Allison Mac

Small Wins for Big Wellbeing

Today my story is about a topic critical to both our personal and professional lives: wellbeing.

I hear the word wellbeing all the time and in so many different contexts.  It has caught my attention personally and because of the crossover with the space where I spend time thinking about how we can be our best selves at work and at home. 

Wellbeing’s become a catchy feel-good word lately, but its essence can be elusive. What is it exactly?  Is it a state of being – a nebulous sense of contentment – or a tangible set of practices? Does the answer lie somewhere in between?

A quick search for a dictionary definition shows wellbeing as a state of comfort, health, and happiness. That sounds right.  But something is still missing. It lacks the depth and personalization to help us achieve true wellbeing.

In my quest to understand this concept better, I checked into various resources. Artificial intelligence offered a perspective, describing wellbeing as the harmonious interplay of happiness, health, strong relationships, and purpose.  That feels like close to being something I can wrap my mind around.  Another source, referencing the US Surgeon General, emphasized the importance of fostering healthy workplaces – environments that prioritize safety, colleague support, and work-life balance.  Love that for sure!  Then, I read a fantastic article called, What Is Wellbeing? where the authors discuss exactly this issue. They explain, that despite growing interest in wellbeing, there is no agreed-upon definition. This lack of clarity makes it difficult to study wellbeing and develop interventions to improve it. They explain, that researchers are working on new ways to conceptualize wellbeing, such as metaphors (gardens and orchestras) and models that explore the causes and components of wellbeing.

Donut hole inside a donut hole

So here's the thing. I haven’t found the solution. I'm not an expert on this topic and I don't have a definitive answer to the question of how to define wellbeing, especially comprehensively or for the average reader.

However, taking in all that I've read, my thinking right now is that wellbeing is not a static destination, but a continuous journey.  And surely my own journey influences my thinking.  So I’ll tell you my story and we can add it to the conversation about wellbeing because I think conversations matter and I am, in my heart of hearts, a storyteller!

Wake up: A Hypertensive Crisis

I rarely talk about my personal health, except with a few very close friends, but there’s truth here, and maybe it's worth sharing.  I have been on a personal journey to reclaim what I think of as my own wellbeing one day at a time for the past couple of years.

The pandemic's impact in 2020 was undeniable. Then, in 2021, I grappled with the profound loss of two loved ones.  My sister’s death by suicide left me questioning every interaction (988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline).  By 2022, neglecting my wellbeing led to a health crisis that served as a stark wake-up call.  Sitting in the hospital feeling pretty crumby, the ER doc told me if I didn’t make real change in my life, the next time I came in would be on a stretcher.  Looking back, I realize many small changes could have prevented it.  

A New Path to Wellbeing

Since then, I've embarked on a transformative path toward my own holistic wellbeing. It involves incorporating regular exercise into every single day, especially walking and time in nature, prioritizing eating foods that come from the earth (not a can, a jar or a box), and getting a good night’s sleep!

Simple Solutions for the Wellbeing Journey

If I had a brand, my brand would be simple solutions, not grand gestures, but simple, sustainable solutions.  Call it small steps or incremental change, but here are some key insights I think are worth sharing:

  • Uniquely You: Start Simple! There's no one-size-fits-all approach to wellbeing. What energizes your colleague might not resonate with you. The key lies in identifying practices that cultivate your personal fulfillment. Experiment and discover what truly nourishes you!
  • A Lifelong Pursuit: Setbacks are inevitable. Motivation may wane, and unhealthy habits might resurface.  Don't view these as failures, but as natural fluctuations on your wellbeing journey.  The crucial aspect is maintaining momentum, recommitting to your goals, and celebrating even the smallest victories.
  • The Power of Small Steps: Don't attempt a complete life overhaul on day one. It's unsustainable. Begin with small, manageable changes that seamlessly integrate into your routine. Start with a daily 10-minute walk, swap sugary drinks for water, or dedicate 15 minutes each night to unwind before bed. Over time, these small shifts accumulate, creating a solid foundation for lasting wellbeing.

The Wrap

Remember, even small changes can make a big difference. Start with one simple solution today and embark on your own transformative journey to wellbeing! 

Feel free to share your experiences with incorporating simple solutions for wellbeing in the comments.  Let's foster a supportive community where we can learn and grow together on this lifelong journey.

#wellbeing #health #happiness #journey #worklifebalance

If this article sparked something in you and you want to dive more deeply into this conversation, here are some resources that may be helpful.


Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA): []

  • SAMHSA is a U.S. government agency dedicated to improving the mental and behavioral health of the nation. Their website provides a wealth of information on mental health conditions, substance abuse, and treatment options. They also offer a national helpline (1-800-662-HELP) for treatment referral and information. This resource is particularly valuable because it caters to a wider range of needs, including mental health struggles and substance abuse issues, which can significantly impact overall wellbeing.
  • 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: We can all help prevent suicide. The 988 Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States. (BTW, my sister would 100% approve of me talking about this. She was a passionate advocate for mental health and just because she lost her battle with depression, that doesn't lessen what I know she believed deeply. Let's normalize talking about this.)

Headspace: [Headspace com] (Subscription required for some features)

  • Headspace is a popular app offering guided meditations, mindfulness exercises, and sleep content. It promotes a user-friendly approach to practicing mindfulness and improving overall wellbeing. While some features require a subscription, they offer a decent amount of free content to get started.

The Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley: [Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley]

  • This UC Berkeley center offers research-based articles, tips, and exercises focused on cultivating happiness, compassion, and resilience. It's a great resource for those interested in the science behind wellbeing and practical ways to improve it.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion: [CDC]

  • CDC offers a variety of resources on wellbeing that focus on both preventing diseases and promoting health.


Debbie Yembra

Health Scientist at Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


Thank you for sharing your story and the reminder that small steps bring about lifelong sustainable change! 

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