Small Changes that can help you Lose Weight

Small Changes that can help you Lose Weight

Have you ever wondered, what makes a lifestyle look like a healthy lifestyle? Now, you might say, what’s the point of a lifestyle without any fun, boring workouts, not going out for a fancy lunch and dinner just to shed a few extra inches? Some of you might also question, what’s the need of giving up on everything just to lose weight? But what do you actually gain from having junks and fancy unhealthy foods except getting loaded with calories and calories?

Justifying those boring changes is much more satisfying and meaningful when being fit and eating nutritious becomes the only mantra for a healthy lifestyle. Because nutrition at the end is important for fitness! Therefore, a balanced diet with few changes in it to shed a little extra you gained while complementing your daily activities are necessary. Such small tweaks to your diet make a huge difference, discussed below that will help reduce your appetite naturally improve your metabolic health and make you lose weight quickly, without hunger at the same time. Have a look:

  • Protein- The King Of Nutrients: Every meal of yours should have the right amount of protein source, low-carb and fats. Constructing your meals this way will automatically bring your weight down. Some of the best sources of protein are salmon, eggs, yoghurt, lentils, quinoa, oats and pumpkin seeds. Eating plenty of protein has been proven to boost metabolic rates, reduce cravings, desire for late-night snacking by half, and make you fuller that you automatically eat fewer calories. Therefore, when it comes to weight loss, protein is considered the king of nutrients.
  • Sideline Sugar And Starch: The most important things to cut back from your diet is sugars and starches (carbohydrates) when decided to lose weight. Your hunger level drops when you do so. Low-carb food group in your diet is for eating until you feel full, while the low-fat food group is for restricted calorie (sugar) and hunger. Sidelining carbohydrates from your diet will help you to eat fewer calories itself and without feeling hungry. In simplest words, cutting down carbohydrates puts weight loss journey on autopilot. Low-carb veggies you can include are broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, tomatoes, Brussels sprouts and cucumber. You can eat massive amounts of these veggies without gaining extra kilos or even exceeding the recommended carbohydrates per day.
  • Choose Your Drinks Wisely: Sweetened drinks and even a diet soda pile up on the number of calories which don’t work in a way to reduce your hunger like solid foods do. Better quench your thirst with sparkling water accompanied by citrus. Also, be careful from alcohol calories as it adds up quickly. And in case, you are the person who tends to drink a glass or two of wine or cocktail on most of the days then limiting the consumption of alcohol on weekends. Following so can be a huge calorie saver.
  • Never Skip Any Of Your Meals: One habit amongst all the weights lose aspirants is they it off eating breakfast or skip one of the three necessary meals every day. Many of you might also admire skipping meals and especially breakfast to cut calories from your diet preventing you to put on. But usually, you might end up eating more in the meal than you generally eat. Try a bowl of oats topped with fruit for a quick, nutritious and an energetic start of your day.
  • Eat More Fruits And Vegetables: Eating lots of fresh fruits and veggies over the foods crowded with fat and calories are far better in a weight loss journey. Stock up your refrigerator with a variety of fruits and veggies and if necessitates eating one serving at every meal and snack. Eating fruits this way will enrich your diet with multiple vitamins, minerals, fibre and phytonutrients and limit you from reaching the cookie jar frequently.
  • Exercise Along: Exercising is another best way to burn calories to follow along with these small tweaks since weight loss is more of a physical challenge. So, don’t make any excuses, instead, make progress. After all, you only need to take care of your shaping, and only you are the one who can make a difference. Few physical activities that you can practice are jogging, Zumba, swimming and skipping.

Over to you

Eating healthy meals laden with protein, fibre, carbohydrates and fewer calories will make you feel fuller for longer and provide the energy you need throughout the day while taking you closer to the desired weight drop. All of it holds its importance for a healthy and re-energized body. When feeling sluggish in the middle of the day you can eat eating light yet nutritive. But make a note of these tips to attain the desired weight drop.

Nmami Agarwal (Founder & CEO, Nmami Life)

@NmamiAgarwal on Instagram | @NmamiAgarwal on Twitter

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