Signs Your Long Distance Boyfriend Is Cheating and How to Catch Him
Long Distance Boyfriend

Signs Your Long Distance Boyfriend Is Cheating and How to Catch Him

Hey girl, you know that gut feeling that something's off with your long-distance boyfriend? Well, listen up, because your instincts might be onto something. Let's dish about the sneaky signs that your guy could be playing the field behind your back, and how to catch him red-handed if he is.

Services like Spokeo make it crazy easy to do some digging and find out if he's really who he claims to be. We'll talk about using sites like it to uncover any secret accounts he might have, see who else he's talking to, and confirm whether his story checks out. Plus, we'll hear from some ladies who busted their cheating bf's using these tricks. Get ready to learn how to expose his lies and finally get the truth!

Warning Signs Your Long Distance Boyfriend May Be Cheating

He's Acting Shady About His Phone

If your long-distance boyfriend suddenly guards his phone like it's the nuclear code, that's a big red flag. He may quickly turn it over when you're around or get cagey when you ask who he's texting. The phone is his direct line to other potential romantic interests, so secretive phone behaviour telltale sign of cheating.

His Schedule Doesn't Add Up

Does he frequently stay late at "work" or have unexplained gaps in his daily routine? A cheater's biggest ally is a flimsy alibi. If he's feeding you ambiguous excuses about his whereabouts and you sense he's not being fully truthful, it may be because he's rendezvous with someone else during those murky time periods.

He's Emotionally Checked Out

When the passion cools and he seems disengaged from your relationship, it could mean he's fulfilling his emotional and physical needs elsewhere. If your once-attentive boyfriend has become an emotionally unavailable ghost of his former self, he may be getting his kicks from a new romantic interest.

You Catch Him in Little Lies

Frequent little fibs are the building blocks of big lies. If you catch your boyfriend in a web of small untruths and inconsistencies, it means he's lying about something larger. Trust your instincts - the little lies could be covering up infidelity.

You Just Have That Gut Feeling

At the end of the day, if your intuition is screaming that something is off with your boyfriend's behaviour, don't ignore it. A sixth sense about cheating shouldn't be dismissed. If all signs point to your boyfriend straying, it's time to have a direct conversation or do some digital sleuthing using a tool like Spokeo.

With Spokeo's powerful online search capabilities, you can quickly discover if your long-distance boyfriend has created secret dating profiles, or social media accounts or has been communicating with other romantic prospects. Just enter his name, email, location or phone number to pull a comprehensive background report.

Many women in long-distance relationships have used Spokeo to catch their boyfriends cheating red-handed. Kendra B. writes, *I suspected my boyfriend of two years was cheating when we were long-distance for a summer. I searched his name on Spokeo and found a recently created Tinder profile. I confronted him and he admitted to talking to other girls. I'm so glad I trusted my gut and used Spokeo to get the truth."

Melissa R. shares, "The excuses and shady behaviour finally made sense when I did a Spokeo search and found my long-distance boyfriend had been active on secret Instagram and Snapchat accounts. I saw photos of him with another woman and knew he had been unfaithful. Spokeo gave me the proof I needed to end that toxic relationship."

💁 Spokeo: Uncover Cheaters Online

Sarah's Story: How Spokeo Helped Her Catch Her Cheating Boyfriend

Suspicious Behavior Raises Red Flags

Sarah had been dating her boyfriend, Mark, for over two years. But when he took a job in another state, their relationship went a long distance. At first, everything seemed fine. But soon, Sarah noticed some odd behaviour from Mark.

He started taking hours to respond to her texts and calls. And his excuses for being unavailable didn't add up. Sarah's gut told her something was off. Could Mark be cheating? She decided to investigate.

Spokeo Reveals the Truth

A friend recommended Spokeo, a powerful online tool for verifying people's backgrounds. Sarah searched Mark's name and found some startling details.

His profile showed multiple social media accounts and dating profiles she didn't know about. There were also records of him associating with strange phone numbers and addresses. The evidence was damning. Mark had been lying and leading a double life. Thanks to Spokeo, Sarah caught her cheating boyfriend red-handed.

More Tips to Spot a Cheater

Sarah's story highlights how invaluable Spokeo can be for checking up on a partner's fidelity. But there are other red flags to watch for:

  • He gets super protective over his devices
  • His schedule is constantly shifting with "work emergencies”
  • He's suddenly more focused on his appearance
  • Intimacy has dropped off dramatically

If several of these signs are present, it may be time to do a Spokeo search. The truth could save you from wasting more time with a cheater.

Amanda's Story: Using Spokeo to Confirm Suspicions of Infidelity

Trust Your Gut Feeling

You've had suspicions for a while now about your long-distance boyfriend cheating. The little white lies, the secretive behaviour, the constant excuses for being unavailable - it's all adding up. But you need proof before confronting him. That's where Spokeo comes in.

What is Spokeo?

Spokeo is a powerful online tool that lets you dig up information on pretty much anyone. Just enter your boyfriend's name, email, location, or phone number, and Spokeo scours the internet to compile a detailed report on that person. Social media profiles, dating site activity, photos - it's all there.

Amanda Put Spokeo to the Test

Amanda had been dating her boyfriend Kyle for two years, most of it long-distance while she finished school out of state. She started noticing shady behaviour - he'd take hours to respond to texts and make up lame excuses for missing their nightly video calls. Amanda's gut told her something was off.

She ran a Spokeo search on Kyle and hit the jackpot. The report showed he had active profiles on multiple dating apps like Tinder and Hinge, filled with recent photos and a bio saying he was “single and ready to mingle." Ouch. Amanda had all the proof she needed that Kyle was cheating.

Other Red Flags to Watch For

Beyond using a service like Spokeo, there are other telltale signs that your long-distance partner may be cheating:

  • Their phone/computer habits change (constantly guarding devices, deleting histories)
  • They get way less affectionate over text/video calls
  • You catch them in little lies about where they were or who they were with
  • Their social media gets shady (new single friends popping up, changing relationship status)

The bottom line? If something feels off in your gut, there may be fire behind that smoke. Services like Spokeo exist to help you find the truth.

💁 Spokeo: Expose Cheaters Online

Tips to Determine if Your Long-Distance Boyfriend Is Faithful

Being in a long-distance relationship can be tough, especially when doubts about your partner's faithfulness start creeping in. While trust is essential, it's also wise to be aware of potential red flags. Here are some tips to help you determine if your long-distance boyfriend is staying loyal.

Keep Communication Open

Lack of communication is often a telltale sign that something might be off. If your boyfriend suddenly becomes distant, takes forever to respond, or seems disinterested in your daily life, it could indicate he's emotionally checking out or hiding something.

Monitor Social Media Activity

Thanks to online tools like Spokeo, you can easily check if your boyfriend has created multiple social media accounts or dating profiles behind your back. Simply search with his name, email, location or phone number - Spokeo's background check engine will reveal any suspicious online activity.

Listen to Your Gut

Don't ignore those nagging feelings if your intuition is telling you something is amiss. While it's unwise to be overly paranoid, your instincts about shady behaviour are usually worth exploring further.

Seek Outside Perspectives

If you're truly concerned, confide in a trusted friend or family member. Getting an outside perspective from someone who knows you both can help determine if your worries are valid or just insecurities talking.

Consider a Surprise Visit

One surefire way to catch a cheater is to show up unannounced. Of course, this should be an absolute last resort if other red flags pile up and all trust is lost.

Two quick reviews of Spokeo's effectiveness:

  • "I was so suspicious when my boyfriend went radio silent for days at a time. Using Spokeo, found he had reactivated old dating profiles - caught him red-handed!"
  • "My long-distance relationship was hanging by a thread with my boyfriend's constant lies about his whereabouts. Spokeo allowed me to fact-check his shadiness and confront him with proof."

While long distance is challenging, faithfulness is the bare minimum. If you have legitimate reasons to doubt, protect yourself emotionally - and physically if needed. A loyal partner should make you feel secure, not anxious.

How to Know if Your Long-Distance Boyfriend Is Cheating on You: FAQs

Is he always on his phone?

You've got a bad feeling he's chatting up other girls behind your back. If your long-distance boyfriend is constantly glued to his phone, acting shady, and getting defensive when you ask who he's talking to - those are red flags he could be cheating.

He's changed his social media habits

Another tell-tale sign? His social media behaviour has taken a weird turn. Maybe he's become super private, deleting posts and comments you're tagged in. Or he's posting suspect photos and you catch him quickly unliking or removing your comments. Sounds fishy, right?

He stopped making future plans

When a guy stops discussing visiting you or making concrete plans for your next reunion, it could mean he's losing interest or seeing someone else locally. If your LDR boyfriend keeps giving you the runaround about nailing down travel dates, he may be two-timing you.

“I was just joking!"

Lame excuses are often a cheater's go-to move. If your BF makes inappropriate comments about other girls but brushes it off as "just kidding", don't buy it. Real boyfriends don't joke about being unfaithful.

Spokeo exposes the truth

Wondering if your suspicions are legit? Run a quick background check on your man using Spokeo. This powerful online tool can reveal if he has secret social media accounts, dating profiles or has been talking to other women behind your back.

💁 Spokeo: Uncover Cheaters Online

Two quick Spokeo reviews:

“Thanks to Spokeo, I caught my cheating LDR boyfriend red-handed. He said he was ‘working late’ but his location was at some random girl's apartment!” - Jasmine, 24

“I only saw my boyfriend a few times a year, so I got paranoid he was messing around. A Spokeo search showed he had a fake Tinder profile using a different name and city. I dumped his cheating butt!" - Emily, 27

Spokeo lets you search by name, email, phone or address to expose a cheater's shady dealings. If your gut is telling you something is off, don't ignore it - Spokeo can give you the proof you need.


So if you're worried your long-distance boo is getting busy behind your back, don't stress. Grab your phone and get on Spokeo to uncover the truth. With their easy background check tool, you can search his name, email, location - whatever you got - and find any secret accounts or side pieces he's trying to hide. Girl, trust your gut. And if you feel some shady vibes, let Spokeo give you the confirmation before you confront his cheating butt. This tool has helped plenty of ladies catch their lying boyfriends red-handed. Don't let him play you. Get the facts, then drop that zero. You deserve someone loyal who will love you right, no matter the distance between you.

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