Sales Process - Stop Shooting from the Hip

Sales Process - Stop Shooting from the Hip

If you are reading this, you are probably a sales professional in some capacity. It is alarming how many salespeople do not have a formulated process to close deals -  they just shoot from the hip and hope to hit a target. I do believe that most salespeople need a formula for success (at least I did). Here are a few tips to lend some insight that can help you save time, better qualify prospects, and close deals more effectively…. how’s that sound?

  1. Who is your target customer? I mean really, who is it? For example, if you are selling PEO services, what industry should you be targeting? How many employees should your prospect have? What is the best geographic area for you to target?
  2. Research. After you have determined what your prospect looks like, do some research. Visit the prospects website to learn more about their company. Log into LinkedIn and search the company's name to see if you can get key decision makers names, where they went to school, and interests (now you have some talking points!) I think everyone knows that it’s easier to get through the gate keeper if you have the name of the person you want to speak to.
  3. Pre-written emails (or use an automated marketing service). After you get off the phone or meet with a prospect, have a pre-written email that you can easily edit to be personal to them. No reason to reinvent the wheel every time you make a contact.
  4. Add your prospect on LinkedIn. Put a face to your name and connect with the person you are trying to build a relationship with. This will help bridge the gap of separation if you have not met yet.
  5. CRM. Most sales professionals use a CRM, but they do not use it to it’s full potential. Add your prospect to your pipeline, and schedule your next contact. Take thorough notes on what you have talked about. If your prospect prefers red wine over white wine - write it down and bring it up the next time you talk to them - build rapport. Do a little bit of research on what capabilities your CRM has, and how you can utilize these tools to save you time and make you a better professional.
  6. Tracking your data. Keep track of how many calls you make, how many networking events you go to, how many cold e-mails/LinkedIn messages you are sending, how many client meetings you book, and how many deals you close. After sometime, you will be able to review this data, and figure out just how many appointments you need to book to retain a piece of business. This is valuable information to gauge if you need to make improvements, or analyze which approach is working best for you. Numbers don’t lie.

    These are just a few tips that I have found work for me. Everyone is different - and you will find other techniques that work for you. If this helps just one person close a deal, then it has done its job. Be yourself and keep hustling!

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