Sales Meets Creativity: The Art of Design Thinking

Sales Meets Creativity: The Art of Design Thinking

Adaptability and innovation are the keys to success in the fast-paced world of sales. Design thinking is no longer an optional approach but a MUST for sales professionals. Why? Because design thinking allows salespeople to:

  • See through the customer’s lens: It fosters empathy, helping truly understand customer’s needs, pain points and aspirations. Enables them to create outcome-focused solutions that resonate on a deeper level.
  • Innovate: It fuels creativity and ideation. It's the secret sauce for crafting unique solutions that stand out and ditches the one-size-fits-all approach.
  • Build lasting relationships: Sales is more than closing deals; it's about cultivating trusted and long-term partnerships. Design Thinking's human-centered approach strengthens connections with customers, making them feel heard and valued.
  • Stay ahead of the curve: In an ever-evolving business landscape, adaptability is key. This approach equips salespeople with the tools to pivot swiftly and anticipate changes, helping them think ahead of the game.

We've witnessed some remarkable results from our design thinking training at HP University. When it comes to our sales reps' we’ve found that competency scores have improved for skills such as influencing, executive presence, communication, strategic thinking, engaging with prospects and more. Our course participants get to collaborate in small groups and practice the different tools required during the Design Thinking phases and thus, be better equipped to have effective collaborative sessions with their customers.

So, whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting your sales journey, don't miss out on the transformative power of design thinking. It's not just a nice-to-know tool, it's a mindset that can help supercharge your sales success.>training & certification>hp university

#DesignThinking #Innovation #SalesEnablement #hpu #hpuniversity

Jivko Kirov

Robert Mynett

Learning & Development Architect / e-Learning / Instructional Design / Quality Assessments / Accredited learning / Assessing 07766101659


Embracing design thinking in sales, as demonstrated by HP University, revolutionizes traditional approaches by prioritizing deep customer understanding and innovation. This method not only enhances the ability to build lasting relationships but also equips sales professionals with critical skills like empathy and strategic thinking, essential for today's dynamic market. The significant improvements in competency scores among HP University's trainees underscore the effectiveness of design thinking in fostering a customer-centric, adaptable sales strategy, proving it to be an indispensable mindset for achieving sales success.


Sales Training Program Manager at HP


Indeed creativity to solve customer challenges is a must!

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