

This is a simple little word but with vast ramifications. As a social worker I tend to be an observer of people and in doing so have noticed the not so subtle ways in which people show their respect or lack of respect towards others. A case in point is check out operators in a busy supermarket. Often we rarely say a word towards them as they flash a polite smile at us as we are served and yet now and again I have complimented a person doing this work, perhaps it was because they were quick and efficient or did something out of the ordinary but when I have said something like "you know, I wish everyone who served me was as professional as you are" I am rewarded with a surprised smile and a 'wow, no one ever says this kind of thing to me'.

It just goes to show the power of the spoken word and it's effect on people. To my shame I have, at times, acted poorly towards others and have noticed the devastation my words have caused, now, I'm not proud of this trait and I do what I can to remedy it with words spoken with compassion and care. Somehow it's when one recognises the positive traits in others and speaks life into a person through kindness, that this lifts a person.

The power of the tongue can bring life to a person and I use this post to encourage others to consider those who need a kind word, how often have we missed an opportunity to do good.

Recently I was at a Bipolar Conference held at Burwood and had the chance to speak to a lovely lady who spoke candidly about her recovery experience and what this had meant to her. When we had a break I approached her and told her how much of an impact her words had made on me and that she is an incredible person to not only survive what she has been through but to overcome the many obstacles in her way. Her eyes filled with tears as I spoke, someone had recognised her skills, endurance and her ability to succeed where others had maybe missed an opportunity to praise her.

People such as this pass us on the street every day and yet we do not know their story, their struggles and their concerns. I encourage you to also offer words of kindness and see the blessing they bring to others lives, even as I attempt to let my words carry care and compassion rather then criticism.

Michael Ossher

Psychotherapist Macquarie Street Sydney


Your words speak of loving kindness


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