Prociprocity – A Better World Through Strategic Leadership

Prociprocity – A Better World Through Strategic Leadership

Now more than ever, the world needs strategic leadership that will deliver economic and social benefits. We need strong businesses that create innovation, growth and employment. We also need a sustainable society that supports its people and provides them with the opportunity to optimise their lives. Rather than contrasting these two concepts and having less of one in pursuit of the other, let's integrate them through strategic leadership to have more of both.  

At Pro Performance, our purpose is to strengthen our clients’ strategic leadership, to let them achieve their aspirations, and do so with soul. Pro Performance (Version 2.0 of the company operating in the 2000s) expands on the strategic leadership work that Theodora Le Souquet and I have been developing over many years. Since Pro Performance Version 1.0, my time at KPMG and Derwent strengthened my belief that strategic leadership is essential to enable organisations to maximise their economic and social benefits.   

Our philosophy of Prociprocity underpins our approach — proactively paying forward random acts of kindness to improve the circumstances of others, without expectation of reciprocity or reward. We aim to create a positive, proactive leadership ripple effect that extends well beyond our professional engagements. 

We look forward to sharing some ideas with you on strategic leadership and how small changes can have a big impact on your bottom line and our world. 


Founder & CEO | Committed Outsourcing | Cost Optimisation Expert | Detailed Documentation and SOP's


Liz, thanks for sharing this 👍.👍

Phil Rasmussen

Managing Director at Kudos Travel, President of Armwrestling Australia


I love this philosophy Liz, it's something we have been applying at Kudos over the last 12 months to help our clients bounce back stronger post-Covid. Now I have a name for it 🙂 Challenging times call for a move away from conventional mindsets and we always remember those who supported us through the difficult times, whatever form that may take.

Sue Fisher

Leadership | Strategy | Relationship Management | Arts & Creative Industries | Philanthropy | Education


Congratulations Liz! Love the work you & Theodora are doing!


Lovely Kokopo photo!

Michelle Baulderstone GAICD

Queensland and NT Director, Impact Co.


What a great philosophy.


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