Our Life: Our Time ~ Our Energy ~ Our Resources …

Our Life: Our Time ~ Our Energy ~ Our Resources …

Ephesians 5:15-17: Be very careful, then, how you live – not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore, do not be foolish, but understand what The Lord’s will is. 

Abba Father good morning ~ Paul is urgently pleading for our life to live boldly, courageously, fearlessly within this world, a life of extremely high standards. Godliness is living our life intentionally accountable for how we are using our time, our energy, our resources. Challenging our life; our sinful life to live within a worthy manner. Boldly, courageously, fearlessly living everyday life bringing all praise, all honor, all glory to Our Living God, Our Lord Christ Jesus, Holy Spirit. Every moment of our life has thriving purpose with sustainable worth flowing with engageable passion. No matter how difficult life might feel today, currently. Our life is called to be a living witness of heavenly truthfulness. Expressing our inner-most thoughts with honorable respectfulness, while engaging all the brokenness embedded within real people living real life. Intentionally loving imperfect people non-judgmentally. Paul is wisely expressing for our life to live extremely carefully. Cautiously wise. Heavenly alertly. Making the most of every opportunity because the ways of this world are brewing evil bitterness. The living bible: It is full of anointed truthfulness, wisdom, discernment, encouragement, and warnings on how we should be living everyday life. Our life: We make choices and decisions within everyday affecting life. Our way of life is influencing family, friendships, spontaneous encounters with all of life. As we actively live our life among the ways of this world. Live alertly. What is our life reflecting on? Who is our life following? What is our life believing? How is our life actively living? Is our life following the ways of this world living influenced by satan’s delusions, deceitfulness, untruthfulness, ungodliness? A worldly world living the fast pace of unwise foolishness. A world living within endless dysfunctional chaotic chaos filled abundantly with instant gratifications, materialism, pornography, gambling, drugs, alcohol, technology. The ways of this world, it is living urgently lost. Continuously searching for answers within the darkness of sins, fears, desperation, hopelessness, isolation. A world living within desperation while swirling within the worldly vacuum of disorientation, confusion, broken-trust. A world feeding itself a dysfunctional meal served of brokenness, darkness, untruthfulness, ungodliness. How far does our life need to look before seeing worldly destruction? The crippling effects of brokenness are devastating among all of life. No one is ever immune to the ways of this world. Discrimination is not a factor. Age is irrelevant. Gender will not matter. Live alertly. Remember ~ satan is never worried about our life’s consequences. It will take intentional effort on our life: on our behalf to focus on what we are activity instilling deeply within our heart, our mind, our soul. Live cautiously. This day, it counts. How much time is our life actively devoting to Our Living God, Our Christ Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit? The living bible teaches about a life of living within heavenly Godliness. Living within truthfulness. Having discernment. Receiving wisdom. Living wisely. The Lord Our God is actively breathing life-changing hope: living hope within living affirmation, undeniable faithfulness, and engageable protective promises from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21. Living hope is actively living within undeniable truthfulness. Reading, holding, embracing this book of life: Truthfulness, Holiness, Godliness. Our life: We will engage within the intimate dedication of The Lord Our God who is actively loving this whole world. All of life. Our life personally, unconditionally, intimately. Our life: We will actively breathe, reflect, and live, either the ways of this world or the life-changing ways of The Lord Our God. What our life is actively instilling deeply within our heart, our mind, our soul. Our inner-core of thriving life will breathe freely upon all of life. Our life: We will have a way to live intimately strong within all hardships, struggles, trials, temptations, uncertainties. Remember ~ satan’s untruthfulness is worldly deceitfulness. Ungodliness implemented within/among the ways of this world. Our life: We do have an armor of protection. A solid indestructible defense engageable within every moment. Heavenly protection useable repeatedly. Engageable protection starting with an intimate prayer of “Jesus Help Me.” It might take enormous courage to live our life fearlessly within boldness for Our Lord Christ Jesus as our life encounters the ungodliness of this world. Remember ~ Heavenly blessings: they are everlasting. The living bible it teaches. Do not fear. Do not be afraid. Do not be dismayed. Do not be discouraged. God the Father ~ God the Son ~ God the Holy Spirit are always present. Our life is never alone, not one moment. Willingly living our life actively believing, accepting, trusting, following within The Lord Our God. Our life will engage within life-changing protective promises within everyday life. Life-changing undeserved grace actively flowing freely within free-gifts of living hope, agape love, sacrificial forgiveness, everlasting life in heaven. Live reassured. Live alertly. Everyone will participate within this day. Our life: We will have a choice, a decision, a way of life to choose. What our life is actively living moment by moment; will reflect our inner-core values. Where we go? What we do? Who we follow? What we believe? Who we trust? What is actively living alive within our heart, our mind, our soul; our inner-core of thriving life. Live alertly. Our time, our energy, our resources will actively reflect a way of life. This life: today, it counts. Live wisely, alertly, and protectively within The Lord Our God. 

Father ~ Thank you for overshadowing my sinful life within cleansing, redeeming, restorational undeserved grace. Anointed blessing of intimate protection engaging my life within living hope, agape love, sacrificial forgiveness, everlasting life in heaven. Abba Father ~ Protectively engage within my life. Anointing my life to live boldly, courageously, fearlessly among satan’s foolishness; helping my life actively live protectively wise among satan’s worldly attacks. Teaching my life how to live thankfully, gratefully, and cherishing our life of intimacy together. Helping my life actively live wisely among worldly foolishness. Engaging within my life living within you will forever Abba Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit.

Michael J Zenner  

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