Mental health as the gateway to over all happiness.

#mentalhealthawareness matters a lot when it comes to making this world a soulful place to live. Yes, indeed a DAY is not enough to ponder over mental health thoughtfully. It would be unjust to think about mental well-being only on a single day. Mental health day is rather a reminder to take care of our mental wellness with an affirmation that change is the ultimate law of nature.

What are the resolutions to ensure sound mental well-being within ourselves?

Acknowledge your worth as you are the first one to evaluate your strengths.

Always believe that life is a name of a roller coaster ride that is unpredictable and beyond time and control. what matters the most is your response strategy towards your own upliftment.

If you channel your life through the flow of nature, you are closer to healing.

What are those nature's ways of healing?

Your food intake

Your mental diet as to what you watch, and read adds to your overall persona of well-being.

Your environment and upbringing shape you but is not the sole factor to bring peace to you.

Rather your own conscious awareness of yourself and the efforts you need to pour in matter hugely in breeding positivity within you.

The one thing that can transform your overall set of thoughts and steer you towards a growth mindset is the persuasion of your passion and hobby. Even if you are professionally active in some other expertise and harvesting productivity out of it, still give it a thought to handhold your hobbies because that is going to reward you with intrinsic delight and real transformation inside.

I have experienced the magic of my passion and now it's your turn to live your zeal.

Start worshipping yourself while respecting your physique. Your wish to be healthy just needs your initiative to work towards it. Simply start walking, running, and playing sports and it can bring about real wonders within you.

Start the day with one compliment for yourself. Positive beginnings create productive journeys. Afterward, compliment someone daily who is truly deserving but suppressed.

There is nothing bigger than breathing life into somebody struggling. You will realize the strength that is so rewarding in itself and will tread you towards a proud achievement of a real pure delight.

Embrace nature and nature will hug you on an equivalent wavelength.

What do you do for your own mental well-being?

First, take steps to ensure your happiness and that will be a galvanizing factor to make you the biggest cause of delight for others around you.

Start dancing to your tunes of what makes you smile unconditionally!

Neeraja Krishnaswami

|| Proprietor & Chief Operating Officer at RAHNEE Design Consulting | Human Resources, Administration & Finance Expert | Internationally Published Editor & Author | Passionate Content Writer & Blogger ||


Loved your article! Very well worded and spelt out. Mental health needs to be acknowledged. Especially if one is faced with trying times.

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