Little By Little ..
Little By Little .. 😮💨

Little By Little ..

Where the wheels of your life have slowly fallen off 🎶

WELCOME back to the midweek newsletter that promises to bring the VIBES, the VALUE and the VA VA VOOM to the wellbeing world !! 💁♀️

Kicking off this weeks newsletter with some venting and a little digressing .. Yep you heard it right - VENTING and DIGRESSING

I have witnessed many things, heard many things and experienced many things, BUT Nothing and I mean Nothing prepares you for the first year you adult properly (forget the kids, home, married life & responsibility - that adulting I can manage .. sort of 😂 )

NOPE .. it's even worse

I saw them in the shop windows, I admired their good looks and I looked forward to spending quality time with them

But it was NOT MEANT TO BE !!

YOU SEE THE YEAR YOU DO NOT GET AN EASTER EGG as an ADULT is the worst year EVER .. That is a FACT !!!

It humbles your 🍑 in ways you never expected 😂 Here's to 2024 The year I grew up, all downhill from here 😂 .. Thanks Nan 😭

After I pulled myself back from the Great disappointment

(it took a hot minute haha 😏)

I realised that I was an adult and I had a job to do

Because this Month is #stressawarenessmonth and my mission for creating awareness was about to RAMP UP a level 📈

This year, the theme for Stress Awareness Month is Little By Little and I have been hired by a few organisations to deliver this POWERFUL MESSAGE

Why little by little I hear you ask ?

Quite simple people Making positive changes DOES NOT have to be overwhelming

A Little Becomes A Lot and Small consistent ACTIONS are far easier to achieve and far easier to manage

So I am sharing with you how you can do EXACTLY THAT with the below tips

How can I learn to manage my stress better ?

  1. Awareness
  2. Identify triggers
  3. Recognise the Signs


You DO NOT have to go BIG simply START SMALL with things such as

  • Connecting with others
  • Get Moving
  • Spend time in nature
  • Breathing exercises
  • Practice Mindfulness

DON'T FORGET SELF CARE !! 💆♀️ 🚨 REMEMBER - De stress NOT Distress !! 🚨

It's ok WORKPLACES I got you too 😉


  • Invest into wellbeing training

Almost half of UK workers are 'running on empty' with burnout, mental ill health, and work-related stress now costing the economy

£28 billion ANNUALLY 😳 Shocking !!!

AND when there is a potential ROI waiting to be grabbed (every £1 invested the ROI provide a massive potential of £5 )

Can you really afford not to take my advice ?

There are things YOU CAN DO NOW to ease that stress in high pressured working environments


This month is about giving VALUE, loads of it, Creating as much AWARENESS as I possibly can and Encouraging CONVERSATIONS

If however you do want more information on how you an manage your stress

Check out &

Need that non judgemental support ? & - 116 123 (freephone)

Would love to hear your feedback, questions you want answering and stories you want telling

The more we talk the more we destigmatise these conversations

I'm off to practice what I preach, A good soak in the bath until I go wrinkly 😂 , partnered with good book and a cup of tea .. who said adulting was boring 😉

Have a fab week

Over and out ✌️


Cory Dunham⭐️

Faith-based Leadership Coach. Transforming leaders from burned out to brilliant. Follow for insights on reigniting your leadership journey. Struggling? Let's chat.


Kirsty Birch very nice. Breathing exercises and connecting with others are great things that help.

Brittany Young

Coaching CEOs to shift their relationship with alcohol & replace it with life-giving tools of success and freedom using The Breakthrough BS Methodâ„¢ | Executive Sober Coach & Speaker


Allll the eggs are 50% off!!!

Hilary Lewis 🔎🏦

Global Top 50 Women in Accounting 2024 | Hunting down cash for your business at the best rates, fast! | Winchester Corporate Finance’s Marketing Director | Public Speaker | Prolific Networker


I’ve been buying chocolate eggs weekly since they started selling them- I have a problem I know 🙈

Georgia Brady

Social Media Marketing @Elevey Ltd | The Power In Your Marketing


Looking forward to giving this a read over a cup of coffee! ☕

Paul Phillips

I give advice on pensions and investments for individuals and businesses


It popped into my inbox. I'll have a good read later..

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