There is someone in your life who thinks they are helping you by hindering your success, When that someone believes you cannot do something, they convince you with logical arguments of why you cannot do something. That someone loves you soo much that they even lie to you, just to prevent you from the harsh reality of the hurt that the truth will bring. This person is very very close to you and their intentions are purely to keep you safe from the pain of trying to earn success will bring .

Obviously, by now you are wondering who this person is , All you need to do is look in the Mirror! THAT person is yourself ! . You are the only person hindering your success believe it or not and il tell you something you might have not known about yourself .

Believe it or not , In your Body , you are two personalities, there is the mind which is the cognitive function, it knows right from wrong, it plans, calculates, It’s the one that was helping you pass your exams in college and it was the one present in all the lecturers. ( Lets call this guy the educated self)

Now there is another personality you didn’t know about, He or she is very subtle, in religious affairs, this personality in you is even referred to as the devil LOL. This one is your biggest hinderous to success . This one is the animal nature in you and believe it or not again this side of you is more powerful than the (Educated Self ) . Your other personality side controls 90% of your brain whilst your educated self only controls 10% . This 90% side is more of a program by nature and just acts out of instinct like attraction to the opposite sex , looking for food , keeping you from danger . Its programmed to keep you alive and make sure you reproduce . ( Lets call this the ego ) I hope you are still following ..

So now your educated self is suppose to be the leader , He or she is the one that says lets study , lets apply for the job , lets save money , lets go exercise and the ego says .. nahhhh lets do it tomorrow or later , or why save when we don’t have money . The ego has so much power over you that it can even make you forget important things you wanted to do outside your routine , the ego can make you fear something or give you so much anxiety that you fail to do it . And you know the worst part of it all , is that it knows all your truths and lies , it knows your true emotions , it knows what you really want deep down inside so it has a tactical advantage over you . It knows who you really love , who you fear , who you are jelous of and doesn’t even care if you are married or not . Marriage was the educated selfs idea.The ego is not hindering your progress deliberately. Remember I told you its function is to keep you alive , make sure you have eaten and reproduce THAT’S all . anything else is just a waste of energy to it .


You are probably using your (educated self ) to read this article , your job is try and differentiate thoughts from the ego trying to convince you otherwise . like instead of a CV Redesign , lets just get a pizza we enjoy . Or instead of paying rent , lets use it and we will replace . Lets go cheat on our spouse .   You want to study ati lets go make coffee first or lets browse facebook a bit then we start , THEN it makes you forget LOL  . Know that most of the silly things that seem like good ideas are coming from the ego and you need to place your educated self incharge . When you make a plan do it . The ego will resist with logical arguments but just override and do it . The more you keep overriding the ego , it will become obedient and will start listening to you without resistance . We call this discipline !


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