Image by Frank Dimazio, searched from Google.com, 17-Mar-2017


"The Supreme value of Leadership is unquestionably Integrity. Without it no real success is possible, whether you are on a section gang, a football field,in an army or in an office." - Dwight D.Eisenhower

Heart Set and Mind Set

When I am talking about my Values at work, I more or less make sure that I carry over those positive principles back home or vice versa.

If I have a safe, clean and orderly house, I make sure that my work area or my facility is safe, orderly and clean as well. I will have time to be light with my subordinates and colleagues but if we have work to do, I put on my game-face; this is the same with my kids in a way.

Thus when I mean Integrity (Honesty), I mean business!


There were three (3) defining moments of my Integrity: in my family, career and self, which I believe played a big part for me as a Leader.

  • We are going to eat in a restaurant but I have to withdraw money from the ATM first. I entered the booth with 2 ATM machines with my 2 kids and my husband waiting outside I was halfway through my transaction, when I realized that the other machine is still signalling with a sound and I saw money still in the dispensing outlet. The man who earlier went out of the booth, left the money he withdrew. Without even thinking, I got the money and I ran outside hoping I can still catch the man but was not able to. I immediately gave the money to the guard on duty to be returned to the Manager.
  • I was requested by an individual before to not say anything about a violation he committed. A few more individuals came up to me confirming the violation and asked me not to say anything. After really trying hard explaining to the person that he should indeed tell the truth, I firmly decided to tell what I know. A very difficult ordeal but very rewarding afterwards.
  • It took me a while to change my Linkedin profile reflecting that I do not have work anymore. For somebody who has never gone out of work this long, I had mixed feelings but the thing is, it is the truth.

Take Aways

  • As one of those people who my kids look up to, I felt it is my responsibility to not only teach them through telling them what is morally right but also let them see how it looks like. I believe at that time it came out naturally. I am glad I did not missed out on a very good role modeling opportunity.
  • It was clear for me from the beginning that I took on a profession of a Trainer, a Leader and Manager, that I want to be able to wholeheartedly teach and lead my team with Integrity that when I speak and stand in front, they can believe what I say.
  • Leaders or not we sometimes experience the same things. All of us have a lot of things that we still do not know, and we all have challenges in life. Accepting that I have struggles in finding a job, let me begin another wonderful chapter of my life.

Yes, for some of these circumstances, at times you will feel and think, Do I really have to go through these? Will this be all worth it? And my answer will always be a resounding YES!

I will not trade me being able to speak and work with Integrity and a very good sleep at night to a negative feeling of not telling truth and not doing what is right.

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