Journalists need Your Expertise Right away
The Dragonfly - always on the move

Journalists need Your Expertise Right away

It’s a fact that everybody knows – when Journalists get going over a news item, they’ve got to do it pronto! They’re on the fly, so to speak. That’s why being visible and being available at the right time is of paramount importance, as he or she needs the expertise now!

And that’s where Expertsources comes in. Bob Mills, the founder, himself a Journalist for over 30 years, knows what Journalists need. He says a Journalist’s favourite question is “Where can I find the right person to talk to about…” 

So at Expertsources, we might not be able to guarantee when you will be called and even if you will be called by a media person, but even if they don’t call you, just know this: your profile is being looked at and will be remembered – even if in the subconscious – by the media persons who will call you when your expertise is needed. 

Help yourself, your business and that Journalist who will contact you. Join us at

Stefan Drew

Marketing Consultant & Halpin Consulting Fellow (retired), Polymath. Not seeking work.


Expertsources works very well. In the last five weeks I've been asked to appear on national radio no fewer than three times. Great work Bob.


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