How Michael Jackson makes people cry and the power of human mind!
Michael Jackson_Billie Jean (By Dr. Amer ABDEL HAQ)

How Michael Jackson makes people cry and the power of human mind!

How Michael Jackson makes people cry and the power of human mind!

I was always wondering about those audiences who sometimes start to cry and scream when their favourite singer starts to sing or dance. I was always asking myself „Why are those people so touched and affected so that they have to cry?“ I mean, the music and the singer must be so impactful and had seized power over them, by emotions of course, at those rare moments. It must be something like that! This is what I thought for years.

Last week I was occupied by one of my favorite hobbies for a couple of hours, which is scrolling through interesting videos on YouTube-Pages of various types from TEDx to National Geographic to the Top-100-Songs of our history and, recently to the funny satires of Trevor Noah and so on. Then I stumbled upon a video of Michal Jackson „Billie Jean“. By this video I recalled memories which were involved with this song and took the time to watch the entire video having my headphones in my ears by maximum volume my iPhone could offer. I took the time to watch it because it reminded me of nice bygone moments in my life. The video which I am talking about is on YouTube-Website under this link ( This version of this song is very important as I took the whole idea of this article from it. To get the most of this article calling up this version is more than essential.

You know, dear reader! The most impressive idea in this video was not the nice music or the crazy moonwalk-dance of Michael, of course not, for me at least. The music and the dance were wonderful but this is not the fact which has made me think ever since. It was rather the PERFECTION of his performance. If you watch this video and pay special attention to his complicated movements in accordance with the rhythm you will wonder! You will wonder how human being can be able to deliver such performance!!!. It was unbelievably perfect. He danced, he sang (live), he entertained the audience, he jumped and he did all of those things simultaneously without to make a single slight mistake. He moved his hip so perfectly and in accordance with each tact. Even his thin silky black jacket was moving with him as if it would be an additional part of his body, which no human being possessed. How did he perform this?

Our universal and simple answers would be:

„Oh, my God!…. He is very well trained “or „It is his job, he did this for years, since his childhood“ or „He is gifted! “

No, ladies and gentlemen, I think it is not as easy as we think.

I believe the reason for his perfect performance was the human mind, which has been applied in this case in a right and proper way. It is the powerful human mind who managed to create such perfect performance. And do you know why? Because the one who possessed it applied it in the right way or, let’s say, was driven and obliged to apply it in the right way for obvious reasons (Behind the scenes this artist and the art at all are nothing else but a project which has to be managed in a proper way by other people to get the return of investment and to make money!).

The way he performed is the way how human mind respond if it is adequately treated. „Adequately treated“ means with full respect and with extraordinary conviction of its abilities to perform. If you challenge it with appropriate ambitious tasks it will deliver a great performance, simply and plainly because it can and because every human mind is creative in a specific way. The problem here is to have the opportunity to make something out of your creativity, to remain creative and to be allowed to be creative without to be constrained by the invented duties of our recent time in which our mind exists.

Jackson’s brain was receiving defined pressure waves (sound waves, traveling longitudinal waves, we call this music). Those waves were first received by his sensor-like ears which have converted the pressure waves to electrical signals and sent them to his highly sophisticated brain cells. The brain cells have converted the electrical signals to electrical orders of various types. This is what we have learned in the school from our earliest time.

So far so good!

The orders were then compared with existing experiences and memories (former training). Then a decision has been made in the matter of which order should be sent to which limp and at what time? A painstakingly defined number of those orders following defined rules were then mixed with other accompanying orders like regulation of the blood flow in his veins, temperatures adjusting measures, metabolization plan for the next 15 minutes and balancing orders in accordance with the measured alternating pressure on his feet caused by the shifted load pressure between both legs in accordance with the ever-changing rhythm of the song. All of this stuff was sent, among others organs, to Jackson’s leg muscles. Among countless other orders concerning dancing, singing and performing, creating orders and decisions, the whole process must have lasted not longer than a friction of a second as electro-magnetic signals are traveling at light speed.

We should not forget the other functions of the life-preserving systems in his body like heartbeat regulation, breathing and the continuous measuring of the sugar content in his blood. Simultaneously hair growth, hormonal balance, digestion of the last meal, two hours ago, recognition of colours and the smell of the hall where he was singing, all of these processes among many others were working simultaneously and properly too. This is what we learned by reading some books of some famous professors and researcher of human brain.

So far so good!

But we are still far away from answering the question of HOW. How did Michael Jackson make people cry and what does the human have to do with it?

People think that his perfect performance while the nice intriguing music is playing is the reason for their enthusiasm and emotional reactions. I do not argue that this is a lie, no it is not. This is what the people perceive without to think. This is the ability of our brain to seek the easiest answer to comfort us. Our duty is scrutinize those processes in our brain and to prove them or to prove the opposite. I just want to know why is this like it is (REASONING).

I think this is big mistake. I think the reason for this crying crowd and for the huge emotional turmoil is hidden deep in our mind. The reasons must be taken to pieces and correctly identified. To dig those reasons out of our mind and to bring them to the visible universe of our perception is a tough work and very complicated. Most importantly, it follows no rules, not yet, because we do not perfectly understand how human mind works.

Just think about it. If we would really understand which music has which impact on our mind, we would be able to crack the secret of music, I mean; we would find the perfect rules to make good music for each listener. This means that there would be no Top-10 music charts but rather Top-∞. Each song would be a hit. And we would be able to make the right music for every one by applying the suitable pattern of rules for his mind to animate his imagination and thus his emotions. But, dear reader, you know…it does not work. Not yet.

If you take the time to dig bygone thoughts out of your mind, willingly, you will not succeed in doing it because you have not the ingredients for the required recipe of understanding. The recipe I am talking about is the recipe of inducing an earth quick in your mind to make you so happy that you have to weep out of happiness and not

out of sadness or of pain. This is important to understand. People said they are weeping out of happiness but this is strange. Weeping is not for happiness weeping is for sadness and painful experiences but not for happiness. What is wrong here? It is a fact; no doubt that we weep if we are very happy. Is that really the feeling of happiness or it is an apparent feeling of happiness and our mind took again the easiest way for us and deluded us with happiness? It cannot be a pure happiness. There must be another feeling which interfere in this case and exaggerate or convert the feeling of happiness to a feeling of….! Of what? This is what I am interested in by this article.

What is this recipe for inducing such state of mind and why we are still not able to pinpoint the ingredients of this recipe? Is it really so complicated? Oh, Yes, I think it is.

Those audience who was weeping and crying in this video were not weeping and crying because of Jackson’s performance, I do not think so. They were weeping and crying because his performance has animated old feelings which were connected to defined memories and connected them with IMAGINATIONS, this is the real reason. Yes, TO IMAGINE and let me first explain my theory of the connected IMAGINATIONS and then we will get into details.

IMAGINATION is [The faculty or action of forming new ideas, or images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses, Oxford dictionary]. For me, IMAGINATION is a great ability with which WE, human beings are equipped. The ability to think of defined things taking place in our mind with the utmost details although they are not real, absolutely not, at least at the time we have thought them. This ability to imagine is the one and the same ability which drove a couple of the most genius minds in human history to crack the key of the universe and of our existence without to have the slightest evidence for it. As Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein have put the fundamentals for understanding of who we are and of where is our place in the universe they had first some imaginations but no evidences, not at all. They were able to bring the whole solar system, even the universe on a piece of A4-paper. They were able to observe an imaginary area of 14 billion lightyears wide and 14 billion years old. They could imagine how two black holes collide, how gravitational waves spread and how tiny the human beings actually are! When Fjodor Michailowitsch Dostojewski has painted the most sorrowful and doomed character of Rodion Romanovitch Raskolikove in his mind in his masterpiece Crime and Punishment he was applying the ability to imagine. He imagined a lot of details which converted the story to a master piece of realism. He addressed our pains and was able to shift his mind in our and to pull out each negative expectation in our mind. This is IMAGINATION. This is the result of healthy IMAGINATIONS. This is the result of trusting our mind and adequately treating it, first and foremost with respect.

Those people who were crying were of deferent origins, black, white, Chinese, American, fat-looking and lean-looking types but all of them were „enjoying “the performance to the level of weeping. Differences in look and culture in this case vanished. Why is this like it is? It is because the combination of music, dance and collective feeling (some ingredients) came together and allowed IMAGINATIONS in the minds of those weeping fellowmen a full bent. It opened up new vistas and brought those people to imagine. Only in this hall and by hearing this music, by this defined volume and by observing Michael’s dance, simultaneously, the feelings and thus the imaginations are ready to be addressed.

It seems to be like it must be just right for our mind to let out the hidden in it. It is like a password which consists of some digits and signs as well as capital and small letters. This password opens areas in our mind to be conquered by the slightest „attack “of emotional blue helmet armies. Once this army attacks those areas the whole hidden secret will be released by the IMAGINATIONS. The emotions here are fighting on the side of this army. The emotions are not a friend of our IMAGINATIONS in this case. IMAGINATIONS want not to release its secret because of instinct. But the emotions are willing to open the door for the IMAGINATIONS because together they will push the human mind forward. This healthy struggle is impeded in our nature and will continue unless we have found the rules to edit and amend it, if it is required.

This is very important to understand. Emotions have a very important rule in our mind. They are there not only to express our state of mind like happy, sad, angry and envious. Emotions are working to animate our mind to think deferentially and animate it to let imaginations out of it. The emotions and the imaginations together will create a strong drive to get things done.

When I am watching a movie on TV and I am very enthusiastic about a scene, I see myself unconsciously in the best acting role, and then I develop emotions to this role, which I am plying in my imagination. Then imaginations and emotions work together to drive my mind to make a decision about the sense of this scene. Let me give you an example to make this statement clear as this point is very important:

Maybe you already know the most famous movie in the Arabic and Islamic world which was made in 1976, produced and directed by the Syrian artist Moustapha AL Akkad. The name of this movie is THE MESSAGE. (The Massage Arabic: الرسالة Ar-Risālah; originally known as Mohammad, Messenger of God) is a 1976 epic historical drama film directed by Moustapha Akkad, chronicling the life and times of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Released in Arabic (1976) and English (1977), The Message serves as an introduction to early Islamic history Wikipedia, 23, 07, 2018).

When I saw this movie for the first time I was at a

tender age of 14. I was at the beginning of the process of becoming a MAN (male). At this point of life, a male teenager starts to look for every feature in his character to prove his masculinity and so I was. In this movie there is a scene where Anthony Quinn (who played the role of Hamza. Hamza was the uncle of the prophet Mohammed and at the beginning of the “STORY” he was still a disbeliever in the God of Mohammed, ALLAH) was just arriving from his night hunting trip from the desert and have recognized the turmoil and the crowd surrounding the holy house in Mecca, the Kaaba (Arabic: ٱلْـكَـعْـبَـة al-kaÊ¿bah : [alˈkaÊ•ba], "The Cube“ Wikipedia, 23,07,2018). This scene is on YouTube Webpage under (

Hamza saw how the “disbelievers“, who were armed and by far more in number than the followers of the prophet Mohammed, beating Mohammed and his friends. On the top of those “disbelievers“ was Abu Jahel, who enjoyed fame and fortune in Mecca and was a notorious leader for his disgrace and mercilessness (Arabic: عمرو بن هشام, Amr ibn Hisham, often known as Abu Jahl (Arabic: أبو جهل), born 556? — died 17 March 624), was one of the Meccan polytheist pagan Qurayshi leaders known for his critical opposition towards Muhammad the Islamic prophet and the early Muslims in Mecca, Wikipedia, 23,07,2018) As Hamza arrived the crowd became suddenly calm. Calm because of the fear, respect and the class of Hamza. Even Abu Jahel was calm and confused a little bit. Hamza then gave Abu Jahel a slap in the face, which threw him on the stairs of the Kaaba. Hamza said to him in a challenging way “hit me back if you dare “. In my mind it was like WOW!!!!. I saw myself doing the same and having no fears of the others. Then I said to myself „this is a real man “. This is what I thought as a weak teenager who just discovered that the end of sex led to vivid orgasm.

When the imaginations and the effusion of emotions were working together in my mind I started to literally believe in the whole treatises in this movie (my mind mad a decision!). By this I had the robust evidence for the correctness of what Hamza did. The point is not if Hamza deeds were right or wrong. It can be wrong, yes it can. The hidden elephant in the room which I want to reveal here is that imaginations and emotions led me, or better said, led my mind to make a decision. The decision has been made under the influence of defined ingredients (the same situation. The sound of the gallop of Hamza’s horse accompanied by the rustling of his sword, bow and arrow as well as those golden chains, belts and emblems he was carrying on his body. All this have impressed my mind. Then came the metaphors when he challenged a couple of men randomly chosen from the crowd. He asked them proudly if they dare to hit him back under his agitated but determined state. If you pay attention to this scene you will see how Hamza was walking in the middle of the gathered crowd as a powerful magnet of one charge moving in the middle of countless magnetic fine shavings of the same charge. Once it moves into any direction the shavings moved away in accordance with his movement following the rules of respect and fears instead of following the rules of physics. His masked head with the black scarf lets the contrast to his white mustache increase to the level of forced perception. After he fully showcased his masculinity he moved with firm steps towards Mohammed, stood in front of him with awe and respect, forced his proud eyes to look downward and spook to Muhammed with dignity, which cannot be expected from a man like him unless this man is about to consent his weakness in front of a semi-divinity character. His voice was deep, assuring and filled with highest form of confidence in what he said or going to say. This affirmed his masculinity or how I saw his masculinity in my mind. I transformed it to my still growing masculinity and then mixed it unconsciously with the emerging emotions and believed in the whole treatises of the whole scene.

Back to “Billie Jean“ and to the weeping audience. Those people have certainly paid a lot of money to have a ticket for this Michael-Night because they wanted to get the required ingredients together in order to transfer their perception to the highness of imaginations and emotions. Yes, they did not pay for the music but for the ingredients involved with this music and singer but they are not really aware of it. Now the ingredients are well mixed and the recipe is ready and can be administered as a non-destructive-injection not per syringe but per pressure waves (music) as well as per light waves - electromagnetic waves (the sight of Michael’s dance) into their mind. The medication has helped them instantaneously. The medication started to work by the first intake of the first dose. It did not make them weep but it prepared their mind to do so. Exactly like the medicine we take for headache or for other diseases. Then and by improving the good dance to an intricate one and by observing and ascertaining the perfection of Michael and perceiving the collective feeling of all audience a lot of them started to cry.

What sort of imaginations could induce such emotions? What did they imagine? I think the imaginations were like this:

The first idea, which was floating in the mind of most audience, was the similarity between his ability to dance and their ability to dance. They must have seen themselves on the stage dancing like him, performing like him and singing like him in the presence of their loved one, or in the presence of their friends (in the most cases in the presence of their lovers to impress him or she). Their mind must have told them that they are also able to perform like him (Hamza-Syndrome). This is why they were also dancing and moving with the rhythm of this masterpiece. They could not set still while this unbelievable dancer was showing them what their bodies could do if they move it in a proper way. This is obvious as we have this experience not only by listing to music or by watching a nice dance. If we see an eloquent speaker, let’s say, Winston Churchill or Martin Luther King, the first enthusiasm comes necessarily with the imagination that WE would stand where they stood, WE would give the speech instead of them and we would gain the praise and the recognition instead of them. This is by the way one of the most hidden reasons of our enthusiasm and excitement for others and for their performance (see the example of Hamza in the scene). WE see ourselves in their characters and in their performance and then we get enthusiastic about it. WE are not aware of that but just try to do it, my dear reader. If you are excited and enthusiastic about somebody speaking or singing or performing anything in a perfect way, then observe your perception, especially at the beginning, and you will wonder.

You will first see yourself performing and you will definitely like yourself, of course you will as it is your lovely self, and then you become excited. It is the imaginary mirror which tries to put you always in a nice position, nearly in the perfect one. This mirror cannot stand without to be held by the others, your fellowmen, your friends and your family members. If we would hold this mirror by ourselves we will not be able to see our real picture as the length of our “arms” (understanding) is not sufficient to hold the mirror far enough to enable a depiction of a correctly and entirely perceivable picture.

This mirror shows you that you are good, nice, diligent and powerful. It supports you wherever you are and whatever you are going to do. This is the reason why WE should be always in contact with others.

We can see our positive self only in a mirror which offered by the others. Here, you can see, my dear reader, how important it is to know „to choose — in the truest sense of the word “ the RIGHT people, positive people, honest people and peaceful people. Those people will unconsciously show you your positive self; they will show you to which far extent you could go and how high your targets can be put. They will deprive even the slightest trace of angst and panic in you and this will be continuously done, by each conversation you have with them, by each party you celebrate with them, by each good deed you do for them and also by each dispute you have with them.

If you become aware of this, if you realize how important those people for your life and your progress are, a deferent type of angst will unexpectedly attack you. It is the so-called „fear of loss “. You start to develop a weakness in your mind caused by the imaginary or (let’s be rational and put it that way) by the Mind-CALCULATED fears of loss. Do not worry my dear reader. There is no need to calculate any fears. Human beings are numerous. Human population achieved in this decade the label of 7,000,000,000. No worries, if you know how to deal with other people and if you learn how to accept and respect other cultures you will not be running out of friends and people who appreciate you. Just to settle you down I want to put the following fact in front of your eyes: “There are more people alive TODAY than have ever died“. Again: “There are more people alive TODAY than have ever died, over the entire human history“. You see, there is a huge chance to know people anew, again and again. This is important to be understood because you should not spend even a second with somebody who affects your life in a negative way. That does not mean that those people are bad people, no they are not. They are just not the right people who you do actually need. They will have friends of their own who are able to understand them correctly but it is not YOU who have to solve the problems of the world and of everybody because you have some compassion with them or something like that. This is a big mistake people do under the label of MORALITY. If morality would affect my life negatively I will forgo it with pleasure!

Emotions are an essential part of US. Emotions are not only to express our state of mind. I argue that emotions have much more tasks in shaping our mind than we think. Emotions are so important to settle a lot of other functions concerning to decision making. All of these efforts of thinking I have invested are aimed to understand how the human mind works. I am not talking about the ordinary features we knew before, or the rules of recent psychology. No, I am interested in the hidden meaning and tasks for emotions in our mind. Our mind is the most precious characteristic WE have. To understand it (I do not know if we will manage to understand it or not) is a must. By establishing theories, which based on individual experiences we can, at least come closer to this nobler target. This will be only possible if we take things not like they are but putting them to the acid test.

What I gained from Michael’s video was not an answer but a bit more confusion than I had before. A confusion which is driven by the ignorance and/or misunderstanding of my own perception of things which I want to clarify at any price. It is the human mind and the pattern of its behaviour. I have to confess that each time I put a theory of my own to clarify a tiny fraction of the human mind, I have to amend it a couple of weeks later as I found another situation which turn the whole idea up-side-down.

Dr. Ir. Henk Jan Jansen

Security Tech Enthusiast | Bridging the Gap Between Ideas, Execution & Innovating for a Better Tomorrow


I was meaning that this is just another way to make it even more complex and less secure. Who can guarantee a secure environment these days? By the way I do not even understand why or what Michael Jackson has to do with this? Dr.-Ing Amer

Dr. Ir. Henk Jan Jansen

Security Tech Enthusiast | Bridging the Gap Between Ideas, Execution & Innovating for a Better Tomorrow


Are we really waiting for this.......


Member of the Managing Directors Board/Business Development Manager @ UGS GmbH | PhD, Mechanical Integrity


Andy Marko


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