How To Be Happy!

How To Be Happy!

Oh what a big ask!. Life can really knock you down sometimes, leaving you feeling overwhelmed, depressed, anxious or challenged. Or all 4!!

By asking ourselves questions about our thoughts and feelings, we can start to become aware and understand what's going on under the surface.

Because the magic always happens on the other side of awareness.

Here are 8 questions to ask yourself to welcome back the happiness and contentment into your life - so you can live the life you want and deserve:

1. What is life telling me here? 

Yes, life can feel so hard sometimes - complex and even cruel. But it's good to remind ourselves that life is always working out for us. It's not against us. Whatever is going on, we are growing and becoming more aware. We are never being punished. If we can see each moment as a learning opportunity, things can change around very quickly.

2. What am I afraid of? 

Fear is such a powerful emotion - back in the day, when we were being chased by sabre toothed tigers, we needed to run for our lives - fight or flight and all that. Nowadays, society and the media in general, can cause us to live in constant fear of what might happen. And then we are living in a constant fight or flight response mode. Fear might freeze us - we take no action at all. If you feel stuck, unsure what to do next, ask yourself, what am I afraid of? What would I do if I wasn't so full of fear? You might be amazed at the answer.  

3. How can I be grateful? 

Happy people don't have more than others. They just make the most of every situation and of what they have. I know I have often taken things for granted but my gratitude practice has changed how I perceive life. When you can appreciate the gifts that you have in your life, then this gratitude can be a happiness booster!!! When we feel truly grateful, we can become happier. Honest!

4. Who needs my forgiveness? 

I know I bang on about forgiveness but by forgiving, you set yourself free and open yourself up to a happier life. No, I don't mean you have to forget what was done or condone it but by holding onto the hurt that was done to you, you are just keeping yourself in that dark place. Forgiving others and yourself gives you the freedom to move on with your life and make room for wonderful new experiences.

5. Do I want to be right or do I want to be happy? 

If there is conflict within a relationship, this can cause unease in our minds and our bodies. It is possible to let go of the need to be right all the time so that the relationship can thrive. 

6. What's my calling? 

When we are unhappy or depressed we can often become focused solely on ourselves. We can get so much happiness from helping others. By giving to others in some way, helps you feel less lonely and just easier with life. You have some wonderful talents that can help the world.

7. What makes me smile or even laugh? 

Smiling is so easy and affects our mood even when we don't feel like it - research backs this up. Smiling can release tension in the body and of course, the mind. 

8. What are my dreams? 

Dreams and desires come from the heart. They reflect your deepest values and say who you are. Don't give up on your dreams - daydreaming is fun and it opens you up to your true potential. Imagine what difference you want to make to the world. When we giving up on our dreams and deepest desires, we give up on life.

Is there one of these questions that really speaks to you? Or maybe more than one that relates to your life at the moment?

Take time pondering them and go deeper as the answers will come. Maybe not immediately, but they will come.

To dive in deeper about what it means to be happy ⬇️⬇️⬇️

here is my blog all about it! 😊♥️

Love Yourself Advent Calendar

Another way I have found to feel happier is to love myself more (do you like what I've done here 😉). So, I am putting together a Love Yourself Advent Calendar to help you love yourself all the way up to Christmas. You’ve then got it to remind yourself way into the New Year too. 

The Advent Calendar will be a mixture of meditations, live videos and printables to bring more self-love into your life, especially at this time of year. Because, as we all know, when we love ourselves more and more, we can love others more and more. 

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How does this little mini self-love adventure work, I hear you ask:

Join me in my private FB group, ⬅️⬅️⬅️ if you're not in the group already, for daily updates. 

Follow along every day or just drop in when you want…

Invite someone to join you by inviting them to the group 😊

Share your experience with the community 

Connect with me on Instagram 😊 if that's a platform you hang out

And to close my not another newsletter to you, a very simple but beautiful affirmation from Louise Hay - 

My happy thoughts help create my healthy body.

Much love and gratitude to you as always 

Liz xx ♥️ 

P S. If you'd like to find out more about my 1 to 1 online coaching sessions or my online course to let go of the weight, book a confidential call with me here. 

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