How to feel good and function well - even during a pandemic!

How to feel good and function well - even during a pandemic!

The pandemic - an unprecedented event that nobody saw coming, or knew how to deal with. Many people lost their jobs, their independence and life as they knew it. As things start to creep back to ‘normal’ it's important to focus on our wellbeing, take stock of what's happened and get into a good headspace. 

In this ‘Quick Fire 5’  we speak with Dr Nicola Brough, founder of Torus Wellbeing Clinic. Nicola supports people in achieving good mental and physical health.

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1. So Nicola, the last year has been strange to say the least. What are the repercussions on our wellbeing from going through something like this?

To be honest we don’t really know yet!  Everyone responds to stressful situations in different ways, we are built to adapt and we have inner resources that can kick in during tough times.  This has been an unprecedented situation and I think it's up to each individual to take stock and see if they need help with something that is troubling them (talking to someone who can be objective and not too emotionally invested can be useful). 

2. There seems to be this new word that’s come about; burnout – what the key signs of burnout and how can we overcome it? 

The typical signs of burnout are: 

  • Withdrawing
  • Sleep interruptions
  • On waking still feeling tired
  • Headaches
  • Irritability
  • Pushing harder = working more

The first thing to say is that there is no shame in reaching this point - we’ve been through a lot!  Recognise the signs and be willing to make lifestyle changes to support yourself or ask for help from a professional. At our clinic we offer a range of services such as craniosacral Therapy, therapeutic massage, reflexology and Reiki which are gentle mind-body approaches to health that can be used to support the central nervous system to recover. 

Other steps to help with burnout can be to do mindful movement such as yoga or Qi-gong, and gentle exercise in general can help to rebalance the mind and body. 


3. As the world starts to go back to normal, I’m having conversations with people in my industry who are saying they feel they aren’t firing on all cylinders just yet – what tips do you have for people who are feeling like they are taking a while to get to full productivity? 

With the signs of burnout above in mind, doing things that are fun can be a good start. Plan down time, this includes time away from phones and social media. Being in nature can have a positive effect on our body and mind and can be a good way to recharge one’s batteries, as is spending some time alone! Don’t over do it just because you think you have to!

4. This year has taught a lot of people to be a bit kinder to themselves. Wanting to carry that forward, what day to day steps can we all take to look after our wellbeing in a post-pandemic world?

On a daily basis be aware of how you are supporting yourself. Score yourself 0-5 in four areas to EARN a maximum score of 20. The four areas in which you should channel your focus are:

  • Exercise – have I moved my body today? e.g. walked, run, yoga, gym.
  • Attitude – am I looking at the world through a positive/appreciative lens?
  • Rejuvenation – am I able to be present for myself and others? 
  • Nutrition – how am I fuelling my body?  If you are going for the wine, sugar and caffeine you are not going to be feeling as good as if you are choosing natural and wholesome foods!

If you're scoring lower in certain areas then you really need to look to readjust the balance there, but where you are scoring highly you should keep up the good work! The EARN score is a really good way of taking an objective view of your reality. 

5. Thank you for sharing these fantastic tips Nicola! So to summarise, if someone reading this feels a bit at sea with their situation, what advice can you give them? What should their next steps be? 

Again, recognising that they need support, and seek help. They can support the process of exploring their situation by using complementary (mind-body) and integrative approaches. Options available range from counselling (a confidential space to discuss perceived life issues or problems) or workplace supervision (a reflective space to explore workplace challenges). In many cases even short term support can help one to reorientate and move forward with life. You should talk to your GP in the first instance to make sure you're getting all the support you need to overcome this situation. 

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The inspiration for this interview came after multiple conversations about wellbeing and mental health within the GoTo Live team, our hope is that if it helps just one person to feel better then it’s been worth it! If you are struggling, we urge you to speak up and seek help - there is no shame in feeling lost during this incredibly difficult time. 

We’d like to thank Nicola for taking time to provide our network with some wellbeing top tips! 

For more information on Nicola’s services visit Nicola’s clinic is also offering a 4 week fully funded online course called Torus Together Active and can be a good place to start looking after your wellbeing! Email to book a place.

Paul Regan

Magician. Consultant. Writer. Teacher. Currently also offering digital magic experiences.


Love this article. It's really important for people to read this kind of thing and realise that not feeling normal right now *is* normal. Thanks for sharing.


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