How Community Creates More Healing?

How Community Creates More Healing?

I have seen how important community is when it comes to the entire healing journey. We as humans, as a species itself, are so interconnected with each other. We cannot live without other human beings. And this is something that our festival seasons in India actually bring to our attention so beautifully.  

Take Diwali as an example we invite friends, family, and neighbors over while providing trays of treats. The entire family gathers for a celebration known as Bhau Beej or Bhai Dooj in many cultures. Everyone sees their loved ones, including family and friends. 

What we're doing is basically reiterating to ourselves, we're reaffirming to ourselves that we have this entire community of people around us who are there for us so that in the time of need, we can support them and they might be there to support us. And I think there's nothing more beautiful than our Indian festivals, than the entire community-based celebration that happens around it. 

This Diwali hope you are surrounded by your loved ones. And may you all find communities that heal together.

Happy Diwali! 

Feel Alive! Vibe High my fellow Humans 

With much Love, 

Mugdha Pradhan 

Founder & CEO 


Mala Pandurang

Principal Dr. BMN College. Ambassador Scientist to India (AvH Foundation, Germany) / Dr Aroon Tikekar Research Fellow (Asiatic Society of Mumbai)/ Series Editor. Postcolonial Lives ( Brill)


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FT Shashank Joshi

Consistency Capability Conviction


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