You can change your habits for the 'better' when you know how & want to


A word that can create so many emotions along many spectrums, from good to bad, and joy to sadness and many more

Habits are something we all have - in fact most of what you do,say and think is a habit It is said we are 95% habit

Remember: every result you achieve is coming from 1 of 2 places:

  • your habits into action or
  • your conscious thought process into action

We cannot not be a huge amount of habit when you really think about it, and I am asking you to think deeply about it. If you consciously thought about EVERYTHING you did all of the time, you would very possibly have a brain meltdown - you seriously could not cope

Therefore unconscious automation kicks in, the unconscious takes over and creates patterns and repeatable actions that become our unconscious competence. Walking, breathing & driving are three that easily spring to mind - we do not think about these things until something goes wrong

All habits compound for good and bad         

I am currently in Thailand for a month creating new fitness and food habits that I can bring home with me to the UK, I came in December and am back in March for a reminder - not all habits change overnight and some do depending on the process


  1. 1st thing to acknowledge is that you have habits, the
  2. 2nd thing to acknowledge that not all of them are serving you well, the
  3. 3rd thing to acknowledge is that you can change them when you know the what, the why and the how

On November 26th 2023 I stopped drinking alcohol after 50 years - the process took 10 minutes working with my unconscious. I asked the question did I need/want to STOP or reduce and it shouted at me STOP I then worked on all the secondary gains that habit provided me with and there were a few to shift out        

The great thing about working with your unconscious is that you do not need to know because it does!

Habits affect everything from communication to conflict, to leadership, management, food, breathing, flying, tube travel, wealth creation etc etc etc and of course money - I know you know this is not an exhaustive list


whatever habit you have can be changed when you want the new thing enoough

It is absolutely your choice

If you want any help, support & challenge, reach out - you will need all three from someone when you choose to change your habits to change your life

In the meantime, if you would like to assess your life balance FREE, please visit https://WealthBeyondMoney.today. The book is on audible and Amazon to buy and the assessment and financial planner are FREE


Adrian Masaryk

Founder of the Modern Entrepreneur and Consistency Code™️. Dad of two, husband, public speaker and a devoted Arsenal fan 🔴🤍


I couldn't agree more. In fact, is it even possible to disagree that our habits determine our future? 😊

Cristian Fontanelli

Founder & CEO of HotFunnel ➤ Performance Advertising + AI = We help experts, conference organisers, and training companies scale their influence, impact and revenue


So true Julie! I sent you a private message :)

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