Growing Your Sales – The Four Most Common Mistakes Leaders Make

Growing Your Sales – The Four Most Common Mistakes Leaders Make

Every business wants to grow their sales, and every businessperson has visions of an organization growing in size, profitability and influence. For most situations, it is the essential step to reaching their goals. The important question that most business leaders ask is this: “What’s the best way to do that?”

           Even though there are proven principles, practice and processes that can be understood in general terms and applied specifically, the problem is more complex than it seems. All sorts of ‘solution providers’ have jumped into the space, proclaiming their solutions as the best way forward. I receive at least two or three unsolicited emails a day, for example, from people claiming their software/service/company is the answer to growing my sales.

           Because the issue is fraught with uncertainty, business owners often resort to solutions which worked for someone else, some other business model, or some other time, and hold tenaciously to them out of fear of the unknown.

           As a veteran sales consultant, I’ve worked personally and contractually with over 500 sales organizations, and interacted with thousands more in my seminars, webinars and speaking engagements. I think I’ve seen almost everything and observed that there are a number of ineffective approaches that are particularly common. 

           Here’s my list of the four most common mistakes sales leaders make in attempting to grow their sales... READ FULL ARTICLE HERE.

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Phoebe T.

Sales Director | Konjac Food | 8+ years of experience in the food industry


Dave Kahle,thanks for sharing. It's impressive.


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