The Future of Empathy

The Future of Empathy

Empathy is the foundation for success in all areas of life, and the good news is that we all have it. We have this misconception that we're doing it for others, but we're really doing it for ourselves. By starting to care for each other rather than only think about ourselves in that echo chamber of our own limited ego - the minute we slightly open up to others we acquire so much for boosting our development. There are endless opportunities that have been dormant inside us, waiting to come to life. We don't really know our abilities. The main result of this new interaction between us will be that it will enrich us all in so many new ways. And only then will we really know who we are and our purpose in this world - how to truly succeed in life. Right now it's all very limited because we're all closing ourselves off from other people. Once you get out of your own head - you can start to sync with the people around you in a mutually beneficial manner. Every day will be a whole new experience. Every moment will be exciting. Professionally, socially, mentally, psychologically - because everything will become more balanced in our lives.

So this empathy thing is a real gamechanger.

On the one hand we’re virtual and some aspects of physical meetings are getting harder for us. On the other hand, there's this increased dependence between us. Our ego is distancing and dividing us, which is the opposite of what we need to be to thrive in this global interdependent world we live in. No one can do anything about this. All these bad vibes between will keep producing a bad reaction in the world.

On the one hand we’re virtual and some aspects of physical meetings are getting harder for us. On the other hand, there's this increased dependence between us. Our ego is distancing and dividing us, which is the opposite of what we need to be to thrive in this global interdependent world we live in. No one can do anything about this. All these bad vibes between will keep producing a bad reaction in the world.

And one of the most important foundations for a good life is empathy. Right now it's a very small and limited point inside each of us. We can leverage any gathering we have to start activating our empathy together. We can use empathy as an amplifier for our emotional intelligence, for augmenting our natural attributes, and to express ourselves better. This is a law of development; a law of nature . There's no way around it.

We only use 3-4% of our brain power. Have you ever wondered what the rest is for? It's for developing empathy. So imagine what our world will look like when we learn how to activate the rest of our brain.

If you do a search for natural ways to boost our brain power, you'll see results with all the typical things we've been doing for decades: meditation and reducing stress, brain exercises, physical exercises, learning to listen, less sugar and more healthy food, more sleep, etc. I totally agree that doing these things makes our brain work better - but we're still only using 3-4% of our brain power. So how can we unlock the rest and improve our lives very significantly? Read on to find out ....

Introducing Open Source Empathy

Forget everything you've ever heard about empathy, because I'm talking about a completely new kind of empathy. Not the kind of empathy one human feels for another, but rather generating new vibes in our world so that we can all benefit from new levels of empathy being released in every environment - in the air we breath, the food we eat, in the content we consume - just everywhere.

Empathy develops in situations involving mutual dependence and the influence of the right type of environment. We can develop empathy through learning and development programs aimed at instilling values of social cohesion.

By learning how to develop empathetic attitudes, the ability to feel others, we bring ourselves closer to balance with the general positive force of nature, and experience a dramatic improvement of our lives.

We may perceive ourselves as caring individuals because we feel for the weak individuals, but our indifference to the suffering of nations and masses exposes our selfish motivations.

Right this minute, about 10,000 people are busy trying to save the world from another natural disaster. At the same time, Amnesty reports that in the 28 years between 1989 and 2017, nearly 2.5 million people died in armed conflicts. When we focus on personal suffering, such as a child being pulled out of the ruins of a building destroyed by a bomb or an earthquake, our hearts cringe with compassion. But when millions die by war, starvation, or disease, when tens of millions are abused by slavery, tyranny, and countless other forms of exploitation, we are mostly numb and apathetic. We may perceive ourselves as caring individuals because we feel for the weak individuals, but our indifference to the suffering of nations and masses exposes our selfish motivations. It’s important that we acknowledge this because once we recognize it, we can begin to change ourselves into genuinely caring individuals.

Nothing slows our changing into truly caring individuals more than thinking we are already kind.

If we can learn to put ourselves in someone else’s shoes, we can feel empathy. But this is not kindness; it is imagining how I would feel if I were in that situation. It tricks us into thinking we are kind and makes us feel good about ourselves. Nothing slows our changing into truly caring individuals more than thinking we are already kind.

If we want a truer picture of ourselves, we should examine how we feel about any suffering, how accountable we feel, and whether or not it galvanizes us into positive action toward connection, toward unity.

The feeling of commonality does exist within us, but it’s buried very deep. Nature is pushing us to reactivate it but if we don’t initiate, it will have to push us all the way and that will be a very painful process. We can see what nature is already doing to our planet, to plants, animals, and people. Already, there is extinction of entire species, burning of forests over huge swaths of land, flash floods that destroy millions of acres, starving people everywhere, from the Third to the First World, and a global pandemic that’s wreaking havoc on our social order. All these are nature’s “attempt” to stir us into action, to develop mutual responsibility and caring rather than the current individualism.

We are intelligent enough to understand that we don't need any more wakeup calls from nature. We can start working on our mutuality right this minute. All we need is to begin with five friends or colleagues around us. Try and try again until we succeed in activating this new system between us. Even if we don’t succeed, we still get points for trying! Anything is better than our current limited state of development. It's time to break free of the old format and try something new. There is no book or lecture that can teach us about empathy - it can only be acquired through a genuine human experience. One of the best places to get large doses is through a connection workshop.

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