Filled with Anxiety Not Gratitude

Filled with Anxiety Not Gratitude

Gratitude trumps anxiety. When we are in the grasp of anxious or overwhelming times, it is hard to see how being grateful will make a difference. Initially, it will not feel it is making a difference, but I guarantee that having a grateful lifestyle will help eliminate the feelings of lacking and failure. If being grateful is not part of your daily actions then try it out by following this process.

7-Day Gratitude Get Started Process

Day 1 – Write out everything you appreciate about your spouse, parent, child, or close friend. Make a list of at least 10 things. This must be someone you are close to and love.

Day 2 – Look at the things you have in your home. Think about how it came to be yours. Remember everything with a smile on your face and say thank you.

Day 3 – Say thank you to everyone you meet today. Today you are giving thanks to those that come into your life. If you are unsure of what you are thanking them for, just say thanks and smile.

Day 4 – Look at your work. Whether you are working in your passion or simply working to make ends meet, you have something to be grateful for. List 4 things about your work that you are thankful for.

Day 5 – Go out and view our community over your lunch break. Look for the beauty in every place you visit. See good in every person. Be grateful for the opportunity to live is such a wonderful place.

Day 6 – Look for at least 5 news stories, videos, or events online that show the greatness of people around the world. Look at their similarities and the differences and be grateful for the wondrous variety.

Day 7 – Write out your 100 accomplishments. This may take several days and the goal is to get to 100. Go back in time and list everything YOU think of as a success for you. No one needs to read this so don’t worry if the accomplishment is small and just for you, like for me, the time I learned how to whistle.

Keep Gratitude in your heart every day. Find new ways to be grateful. Continue to add to your accomplishments list and review your accomplishments when you are not feeling great but need to be grateful.

Joanna Whitaker

Owner of Whitaker Cleaning Services


This is truly great ! I'm grateful I saw this 💕

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