Engageable Moments ~ Living Hope ~ New Life …

Engageable Moments ~ Living Hope ~ New Life …

Jeremiah 29:11 ~ For I know the plans I have for you, “Declares The LORD," plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 

Abba Father good morning ~ This morning daybreak; it actively breathes a new life. A new day of anointed promises revealing the uniqueness, faithfulness and proclaiming the engageable wonders within The Lord Our God. A day purposefully created, uniquely designed, and intimately put in motion to bring encouragement into our life within cleansing, redeeming, restorational undeserved grace. Living hope for our life. A day most of this world will miss unfortunately and unintentionally. Our life can get so involved figuring out everyday life. Our unknown future. Making plans that might or might never come to reality. The ways of this world teaches; it’s all about this life. This time on earth. This time of earning our way. This time of achieving material worth. This time of living worldly. We make our own plans. Our own agenda. Our own way of life. Don’t live foolishly. One day. It will all be gone. It will all stay behind. Nothing will go with our last breath of life. It all vanishes into the ways of this world. Within a fraction of a moment. Completely gone, forever. Everything from the ways of this world will dissipate like a mist in the air. A moment of time that will engage all of life. Our life. No life will ever be overlooked, missed, forgotten. There will be a moment where our way of life will no longer co-exist except within the hearts, minds, souls of those our life encountered throughout life. Reflect on life. Slowdown. Who knows, provides, and fulfills our living life? Live alertly. How we live our moments will reflect what our life lives believing. Who we follow. What we trust. Where we go. A moment is not just a moment. It becomes a way of life. Our life. If you reflect-back and be absolutely-honest. Who are you, what is your life, how are you engaging moments of life? Remember ~ This is a new day. A new moment. A fresh start. What will our life do with our new day? Our new moment? Our new life? Our fresh start. The living bible teaches we have a faithful promise, a protective promise, an engageable promise. A bright future, a livable future, a blessed future with an abundance of living hope. Within this day: The Lord Our God is actively loving this whole world. All of life. Our life personally, unconditionally, intimately. This Amazing Living God intimately created all of heaven and earth. Putting all the universes in place. Molding all the mountains. Filling all the oceans, lakes, rivers, streams, ponds. Intimately breathing living hope; sustainable life into all of life. There is a heavenly purpose for our life. Purpose within this day. Purpose for our moments. Live alertly. The living bible, it teaches about a life of abundance living within living faith. What is this living faith? Living faith is heavenly faith, living sure of what our life hopes for and certain of what we do not see. Heavenly faith willingly lives believing, accepting, trusting, following actively within Our Living God, Our Lord Christ Jesus, Holy Spirit. Living faith is actively living reading, holding, embracing the living bible as a way of life. Heavenly faith actively prays continuously. Fellowships openly. Attends church regularly. Living faith is a way of living everyday life purposefully within heavenly faith. Godliness, holiness, truthfulness living among our sinful life. Our life living within an abundance of living hope, agape love, sacrificial forgiveness, everlasting life in heaven. Godliness actively alive within our life. Life-changing gifts of undeserved grace fully engaging within our life.  Free-gifts of living hope: unearnable, unpurchasable, uncreatable. Heavenly gifts faithfully engaging within our life within every moment. Heavenly gifts actively breathing intimacy of new life deeply within our heart, our mind, our soul. Actively filling our inner-core of thriving life with living hope, agape love, sacrificial forgiveness, everlasting life in heaven. All fully engageable, all protective promises. Our life will still encounter hardships, struggles, trials, temptations, uncertainties among this life of worldly brokenness. A life of living faith; heavenly faith actively changes everything. It renews, it refreshes, it redeems, it restores all life’s brokenness. It renews our strength. Refreshes our weariness. Redeems our brokenness. Restores our hopefulness. It engages worldly emptiness, hurtfulness, hopelessness within our heart, our mind, our soul. Our inner-core of thriving life has life-changing purpose to make a positive difference. Life-changing worth to impact real lives. Life-changing passion engageable within this day. Remember ~ This day has been intimately created within The Lord Our God. Our life: We will have a choice, a decision, a way of life to choose. Live alertly. There are two drastically different ways of life within this world of brokenness. We can spend our moments of life living within the worldly darkness of the ways of this world. Or spend our moments willingly living loved, forgiven, and blessed. Our life purposefully living believing, accepting, trusting, following within God the Father ~ God the Son ~ God the Holy Spirit. Godliness is actively alive all around our life. Slowdown. Living faith breathes growth with action. Live alertly. Living faith knows there is more to life. Live boldly, courageously, fearlessly. Heavenly faith lives actively believing the very best is actively coming. What our life breathes in; our life will breathe out. Reflect with utmost urgency throughout this day. Remember. Our life: it is fully engageable. Our life is living among life’s brokenness within heavenly purpose, heavenly worth, heavenly passion. Our life is living blessed within living hope within a new future. Prospering protectively unharmed within The Lord Our God. 

Father ~ Thank you for this day of living hope. Godliness actively overflowing with amazing life. What a day has been intimately prepared for my life. My heart will live renewed within joyfulness. My mind will live refreshed within truthfulness. My soul will live redeemed within protective promises. My life’s brokenness actively living cleansed, redeemed, restored within free-gifts of living hope, agape love, sacrificial forgiveness, everlasting life in heaven. Abba Father ~ Protective help my life. I am excited with thankfulness to witness the living uniqueness of all of life proclaiming living-wonders of living life at its very best within you forever Abba Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit.

Michael J Zenner

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