Effective time management

Effective time management

July | Issue 21

Welcome to the July edition of The Assistants newsletter!

The year is flying by so what better time than now to look at effective time management. Assistants are known for their magical multitasking and swan-like approach, but this doesn’t mean we don’t feel the pressure too! There are extraordinary paddling efforts below the surface! To successfully achieve the endless to-do lists we have no choice but to effectively manage our time! In this month’s article we share with you what works for the EST10 office. Like a lot of what we do, some ideas are more conventional than others!

Much Love,


 P.S. if there is advice or tips you would love us to write about - please just let us know!

Effective time management  

Time management is an essential skill for anyone, but it is especially critical for Assistants. Assistants juggle a multitude of tasks, often support different team members, manage their own responsibilities - all while ensuring their Boss’s day runs smoothly. Effective time management leads to higher productivity, reduced stress, and a more organised work environment. Plus - you look like the star you are! Here are our top tips and strategies to ensure your time is as productive as possible.

Plan your personal logistics!

Whilst we all have busy work lives, our personal ones are often hectic too! If you can master the art of seamlessly converging the two, you will become more efficient in both areas of your life. If you have personal errands to achieve, try and align them with the day’s business requirements, for example if you need to pop to the chemist or shops for yourself, factor the trip in when you are already doing a business task nearby. When preparing for the day, even plan your outfit; will you be office based all day, or will you be running all over the city? If so flat shoes or trainers might be best. All these small considerations will make you more efficient.

Prioritise tasks

One of the most important steps in managing your time effectively is to prioritise your tasks. The Eisenhower Matrix, which divides tasks into four categories (urgent and important, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, and neither urgent nor important), can be particularly useful. Focus on the tasks that fall into the urgent and important category first. When ascertaining what falls where, always consider what is the most pressing for your boss, what are their current stress points and what can you do to alleviate them. Once you have answered this question – your ’urgent and important’ list will be well underway! 

To do lists

We all have them, love them, or hate them, they work! Our top tip here is not about the lists themselves however, it is about timing. Write a list before finishing your day. It acts as a great reminder for tasks you may have forgotten, leaving you time to do them and to go home feeling calm and in control. It means when arriving the next day, you know exactly what to tackle first - making your first hour at work more productive! A good to do list is often in two parts, firstly the urgent, day to day tasks, this list will be changed, updated, and actioned many times throughout the day. The second part is for longer term projects, or ongoing work without immediate deadlines. Use an electronic diary for recurring appointments such as annual renewals, insurances, team birthdays, events etc. 

Delegating when appropriate

There are times when it is appropriate to delegate. However, you may need to let the person know, so they are kept in the loop. We suggest checking first as well - they might have a reason (confidentiality) why the delegation can’t occur. Delegation does not mean you can forget about the task or that it is now someone else's responsibility. Still manage it closely especially the details and timelines. Delegating when appropriate can help you manage your time better and empowers others, whilst fostering a collaborative work environment. It also upskills you for managing!

Start big!

Tackle your biggest, most difficult, or even just the task you are least looking forward to first! At EST10, we refer to it as, ‘eating your vegies first’ (we said there were some unconventional ideas!). Ticking something off your to-do list early gives you a sense of accomplishment and a positive attitude to attack the rest of the day!  

Learn when to say no.

As Assistants our job is often to make the seemingly impossible happen, however there are times when you need to say no. This could be to your boss, a little daunting we know! But if you know their request or deadline just isn’t feasible, speak up. We don’t advise saying no just for the sake of it - say no, when it is best for the business. Equally, get used to pausing before automatically saying yes to everything! 


Having a set routine and structure helps to keep you and your colleagues on track. Set daily, weekly, and even monthly goals. All these things help manage time effectively and we hope effortlessly. 

Limit distractions!

This one maybe easier said than done. Distractions comes in all shapes and sizes. Our top tips here are put your personal phone away, turn off any watch notifications and only have tabs open on the browsers you are using. If needed, and able, put some headphones on at times where you really need to knuckle down, even if they are muted, at least no one will try and tell you about their weekend! 

Use technology!

Much of an Assistants role is, and will always involve personal touch, an intuitive approach and tailored support depending on the situation. However, electronic to-do lists, online reminders, recurring diary appointments, many forms of AI and so much more are all worth embracing to increase your efficiency.

An Assistant’s Day rarely follows an exact plan, but by implementing some of our top tips we hope it can make a difference! Good luck

Do you have a vacancy?

We would so love to hear from you! We don’t just do admin hiring (although it is our favourite!), we take care of an assortment of roles from Accountants, HR Managers, Marketing, Comms etc. Temporary, permanent or contract, we are the agency that delivers, time after time! Here are a couple of our unique facts.

  • 100% fill rate on all permanent jobs!!
  • 10 days to fill a permanent position, sometimes as quick as 48 hours!
  • 20-minute turn around on all temporary orders
  • 230 5-star Google reviews and rising!

We love our job!

Contact us today!

02 9002 0222 or info@est10.com.au

EST10 Hot Job!

Executive Assistant

$110,000 + Super

Performing Arts

This internationally recognised organisation stands at the forefront of the performing arts industry. Based in Sydney, they are seeking an exceptional Executive Assistant to partner with their respected, industry-leading CEO in driving the continued growth and reach of their masterpieces and collaborative works.

Must read this month!

International Business Times. Gen Z's Approach to Punctuality. Why 48% of Young Worker's Think Arriving Late Is On Time. Featuring Roxanne Calder.

Generation Z, often called Gen Z, has introduced fresh perspectives that challenge traditional work norms, particularly in valuing work-life balance and advocating for modern work trends. However, some of these changes are perceived as "bad habits" by older generations.


Molly Benjamin and Kim Northwood

Investment 101

12.30pm, Wednesday 17th July 2024

Molly's mission is to help make women rich, so they have full control and freedom over their lives! Molly, back popular demand, will be presenting an ‘Investment 101’ Masterclass. Perfect timing to start the new financial year off!

Craig Chappell

Mastering Productivity

12.30pm, Wednesday 7th August 2024

In this Masterclass Craig will provide you with skills to proactively plan, manage and gain even greater control of all aspects of your workload.

What's New


Enmore Road

It’s one of life’s universal truths that things on sticks are just more delicious. Firepop have now opened their first bricks-and-mortar venue – a two-storey restaurant on Enmore Road.

And something for you....

Coomaditchie: The Art of Place

Experience community life by the ocean through the works of First Nations artists in Coomaditchie: The Art of Place at the Museum of Sydney. These loving and lyrical artworks, which include paintings, ceramics and screen-prints, speak of life in and around the settlement of Coomaditchie, its history, ecology and local Dreaming stories.

 The exhibition celebrates the 30th anniversary of the founding of the Coomaditchie United Aboriginal Corporation in 1993. The corporation provides support and services to the broader community and to the people of the Coomaditchie settlement, located at Coomaditchie Lagoon in the city of Wollongong, the centre of the Illawarra region of NSW. 

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