Does Peaberry Coffee Taste Better?

Does Peaberry Coffee Taste Better?

This is one of those hot topics that is debated time and time again in the speciality coffee tasting world. You’ll get a different answer with every coffee distributor, barista or connoisseur you may ask.

Here are some common answers some might tell you:

  • Coffee folklore, says peaberries are considered superior to the rest of same crop harvested because all the flavors and nutrients that would be dived into a double bean are instead condensed into just the one bean. Creating a “super berry”.
  • Some say it tastes brighter, juicier and sweeter.
  • Since they are round in shape they roll in the roaster better and develop a more even roast per bean.
  • As they are handpicked by workers the inferior seeds are not mixed into a batch.

If you are a lover or a hater they are just like regular split beans with some of them tasting amazing, and some of them being rather average or dull. It is a natural grown product and so natural differences will occur. However, it does definitely have a different taste profile than its twin brother from the same harvest. Saying that this doesn’t mean it will definitely translate into a higher cupping score at competitions.

Then if you would ask this question to the big coffee emporium, selling peaberries at four or five times the rate of regular beans, they would explain in no uncertain terms that not only is the taste of peaberries superior, it is also the cure for premature balding and the answer to the upcoming energy crisis – they could be exaggerating their answers a little bit.

Probably most coffee aficionados will tell you they can’t notice much of a difference in: aroma, body, acidity, bitterness, flavour or finish characteristics experienced. Nevertheless, if you think there will be some sublime nuances in the flavour profile of a peaberry that are lacking in the regular cup of coffee

Yes 100% It's due to the concentrations of oils in 1 bean instead of two. Fat= oils = flavour That's why More fat More Crema More Flavour !!!!!

glen poss

Creator of the breakthrough Roast & Brew pod based system. Creator of the Aria roaster technologies


Not properly roasted, as with any coffee there are many ways to balance the flavor notes via roast profile #spectrumRoast.


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