Discover The Dangers of Drinking Demineralized Water

Discover The Dangers of Drinking Demineralized Water

In order to understand why demineralized water is not suitable for drinking or cooking purposes, you must first understand what minerals are and what they do.

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Minerals are inorganic substances that our body requires in order to function properly, and yet most people don't get enough of them.

One reason for this is that the soil that farmer's grow our food in nowadays is depleted of minerals.

Why Are Minerals So Important?

Let's start with the basics. 

Minerals play a vital role in how we look, how healthy we feel and how well our bodies work.

Without the right minerals, your body will not be able to produce enzymes, hormones and important tissues.

They are substances naturally found in the earth and therefore must be taken in from outside.They are usually solid and hard and can be shaped into different forms, but they also dissolve in water, which makes them useful for drinking or cooking purposes.

Some, such as calcium and magnesium, help your bones stay strong and keep them from crumbling when you walk. 

Others, such as iron and copper, help your blood carry oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body.

What Does It Mean When Water Is "Demineralised"?

You’ve never heard of demineralized water, have you?

It’s no surprise. Most people have no idea that their tap water is damaged and that it can be a serious health threat


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But the truth is, 99% of the world’s tap water has been so aggressively processed that it has been sterilized and is filled with the wrong minerals.  

This condition is called demineralization and it's responsible for creating negative effects in your body like bone erosion, tooth decay, skin rashes, digestive disorders and even cancer.......

Demineralized Water Has Been Stripped Of All Minerals 

This includes the trace minerals that are normally put back into bottled waters, leaving behind only sodium, chloride and a few trace elements.

The purpose of demineralization is to reduce the amount of dissolved solids (such as salts) in water.

The result is supposedly purer water that is free from various dissolved salts and other impurities, such as organic compounds from decomposing plants and animals, which can be found in natural sources of water. However, it is important to note that demineralization does not guarantee "pure" or "clean" drinking water.

A number of contaminants, such as industrial chemicals and pesticides, may still be present in demineralized drinking water despite the removal of minerals and salts.

This can lead to a number of health problems, particularly for people who drink demineralized water on a regular basis.

In particular, there is a lack of calcium in the bones of people who drink demineralized water over long periods of time, which makes their bones weak and brittle.

The reason that demineralized water does not taste good is because of the absence of minerals in it. Because of this, it does not have a full and rich flavor.

Demineralized water may be free from bacteria, but it also has no benefits to offer to our bodies as well.

Some Of The Reasons Our Bodies Require Minerals

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  • To keep bones healthy and strong
  • To make sure blood clots properly
  • To maintain a strong immune system
  • To help make hormones such as testosterone and oestrogen
  • To regulate muscle contractions that control the beating of the heart
  • To regulate body fluids (electrolytes) such as sodium, potassium and calcium

• Magnesium. Without magnesium, the chemical reactions that produce energy in the body cannot happen. This dependency means that magnesium is essential for metabolism and energy production.

• Calcium. If your body does not get enough Calcium, it takes Calcium from your bones. This causes the bones to become porous and weak which can lead to a condition called osteoporosis.

• Chromium. If there is not enough chromium in our diet, it can lead to 'gastric distress' also known as stomach cramps.

Treatment with mineral and hydration supplements is one way of helping sufferers to cope with a lack of minerals in their diet

What Happens When You Drink Demineralised Water?

Demineralised water has a pH level of 7 (neutral) and this can lead to a number of health risks, particularly if you consume it regularly over an extended period of time.

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The human body needs several minerals to function correctly: sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium. 

Demineralised water has most of these removed.

 So if you are drinking demineralised water, you are almost certainly not getting enough of these minerals.

These health risks arise from the lack of minerals found in demineralised water and what happens when your body doesn't get the minerals it requires to function normally.

Despite this, many of us have been drinking demineralised water all our lives and never realised the dangers in doing so.

Have you ever wondered why your back aches, or why you seem to catch every bug which comes around?

Or why your teeth are losing their enamel?

Could it possibly be that you may have been drinking demineralised water all these years?

Re-mineralize Your Drinking Water

After reading this article, hopefully you should have a better understanding as to why drinking demineralized water is potentially very dangerous. 

If you are drinking demineralized water on a regular basis, it could trigger an entire host of health problems in the future. 

The good news is that you can re-mineralize your drinking water gradually by adding in the appropriate minerals, with citric acid and trace minerals being top choices.

If you want to help make sure you're getting the minerals your body needs, you need to consider taking hydration supplements such as trace minerals which can be easily purchased from Amazon. 

Please remember that adding minerals back into your drinking water is a great way to stay in great health for years to come. 

You will be much healthier when taking mineral supplements than you would otherwise, and you’re also doing a good thing for your family by helping them stay healthy.

Pete, I drink water that has zero minerals and it doesn't seem to bother me. I read a book, written originally by Dr. Paul Bragg, called "The Shocking Truth about Water" where he explained the difference between organic and in-organic minerals. He described how plants and animals convert the minerals they ingest to organic minerals and when we consume this converted minerals then our organisms benefit. Clean water may also be proven to be a life extension agent as it it undergoing live testing as of this writing. I will have been drinking clean water close to 50 of my 82 years. Call me in about 50 years and I will be happy to give you an update. 😁

Bomi J.

Director at Peak Health


Great article Peter. One I’ve been meaning to write. We have a product called “Phyto Juice” and it’s a bunch of trace elements that are in natural stream and geyser water that is missing in bottles and tap water. Since we can’t get pure (non polluted) spring water, we recommend adding a complex blend. NOTES: 1) We have a Sodium Chloride (“salt”) problem. We are badly lacking all the other salts. Not all salts are bad. 2) The FDA allows certain prcoxessed water to be labeled as “Spring Water.” So the expensive water you pay for may be from a tap in New Jersey.


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