The dice are rolling: six strategic steps to make the most of our "luck"​
Photo by Robert Stump on Unsplash

The dice are rolling: six strategic steps to make the most of our "luck"

I love playing board games and other similar card and dice rolling games, Yahtzee being one of my favourites as I have fond memories of my childhood, playing with my late Grandad. When I won, and I suspect that my Grandad let me win!, however when I won I thanked my lucky plastic necklace. It was a long necklace with white plastic beads, increasing in size with the biggest shiny bead in the centre.

Now, contemplating the game, is it really pure luck, or is there a certain strategy about what to do with the dice that have rolled, how to play them better and seize the opportunities that such dice offer…?

Now, contemplating our current situation, with great uncertainty and many external aspects which are out of our control, I wondered if the Yahtzee game could have some similarity with our current lives. 

The dice are rolling; we have to play with what is now on the table. 

How can we make the most of this “luck”? How can we convert dice, which at a first glance have nothing in common and seemingly useless to win the game, convert them into something worthwhile, something beneficial, something which helps us and also others?

Similarly, in a game of cards, we play the hand we have been dealt. What good does it do to complain about these cards, or the dice rolled, if we can´t change them?

The rules of the game are such, and we play with what we have on the table or in our hands.

I really enjoyed playing Yahtzee again recently, with lots of philosophy, laughs and enjoyment. Wishing the same in our lives, making the most of these situations that “luck” or the decisions of others has brought to our “playing table”.

We can maximise on the potential of the current situation, whatever that might be for each one of us, and ensure these great opportunities materialise, following in the same way as we do with some great cards dealt or dice rolled:

  1. Wanting to play: by sitting at the table ready to participate we are showing willing to play. In the same way, by showing up every morning when the alarm clock rings and getting out of bed, we are showing willing that we want to participate in life.
  2. Awareness of the situation: just as we look in detail at the numbers on the dice or the cards in our hand, when we are aware of all the different aspects of our current situation we gain clarity which is key to decision-making in our game strategy.
  3. Evaluate the strengths and opportunities of our individual "hand": how are we going to maximise on those sixes rolled or how are we going to make the most of the important meeting we have today?
  4. Be efficient and effective: discarding cards or rolling again any dice which aren´t of any apparent use is a strategy we can bring to clear our personal or professional path in order to move forward.
  5. Game plan: identify goals and create an action plan, flexible to each new roll of the dice
  6. Play!: taking part and finding enjoyment throughout!

Ready to play?

If you want to make the most of this situation that we have been “dealt to play”, yet are struggling at the moment with your next move, reach out for a chat!

Let´s play!

Discover how to control the controllable, leading your life with clarity, making strategic decisions and developing your game plans, and above all enjoying the game, whatever the cards dealt, dice rolled and current circumstances.


Lindsay Nixon is the founder of LindsayNixonCoaching (corporate) and Coachingconexion (sports)

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