DECEIT & DISHONOR -   “Rules Based Order” With A National Exemption

DECEIT & DISHONOR - “Rules Based Order” With A National Exemption

"This is theft: It's the appropriation of something that doesn't belong to you," Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told Sputnik radio, TASS reported."

Zakharova said the response from Moscow would be "extremely tough" as Russia felt it was essentially dealing with thieves.

"Considering that our country has qualified this as theft, the attitude will be towards thieves," Zakharova said. "Not as political manipulators, not as overplayed technologists, but as thieves."

"Russia has said that if its property is seized then it will seize U.S., European and other assets in responses."

The Rules Based Order: “do as I say not as I do”

“For a country frequently looked to as a global leader, the United States has consistently failed to step up in international partnerships. In fact, the United States has one of the worst records of any country in ratifying human rights and environmental treaties.”

"America Service Members Protection Act 2002; The Act deepens the US refusal to cooperate with the ICC and it gives authority to the executive branch to use all necessary means to free members of the armed forces of the United States detained by the ICC."

"The United States government has consistently opposed an international court that could hold US military and political leaders to a uniform global standard of justice. The Clinton administration participated actively in negotiations towards the International Criminal Court (ICC) treaty, seeking Security Council screening of cases. If adopted, this would have enabled the US to veto any dockets it opposed. When other countries refused to agree to such an unequal standard of justice, the US campaigned to weaken and undermine the court."

"The Bush administration, coming into office in 2001 as the Court neared implementation, adopted an extremely active opposition. Washington began to negotiate bilateral agreements with other countries, insuring immunity of US nationals from prosecution by the Court. As leverage, Washington threatened termination of economic aid, withdrawal of military assistance, and other painful measures. The Obama administration has so far made greater efforts to engage with the Court. It is participating with the Court's governing bodies and it is providing support for the Court's ongoing prosecutions. Washington, however, has no intention to join the ICC, due to its concern about possible charges against US nationals."

Excerpts from ‘IRONY’

My parents made me to understand that “by the sweat of thy brow thou shall eat bread.” (in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; (Genesis 3:19).

To me it meant that I have not only to depend upon my own abilities, but also to refrain from being a thief. “Do not steal or attempt to deprive others of the fruits of their labor; “Work honestly for a living’ and “do unto others—as you would have them do unto you.” (Luke 6:31).

These instructions seem to have been omitted from the parental messages of a youthful Anglo Saxon.  His historic record will show that he was a pillager. His preference was to go into the village and show his antisocial proclivities. Claiming ownership of whatever he can acquire through the use of force, intimidation or murder.   These two examples describe (1) a villager: someone who wishes to live with a social compact, and (2) a pillager: someone who prefers to take by cunning.  Are we witnessing here the beginnings of socialism and capitalism? The irony will be unavoidable.


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