Countering dejection

What do you do when you are restricted from doing this and that?

Give me some choices.

Feel bad?

Feel down?

Feel dejected?

Ditto. Same here.

Today was a day like that.

I remember I woke up around 3 am.

Wee hours.

Somewhere I have read that if you constantly getting up during wee hours, then it is a constant message from the Universe to get to your higher self.

Your higher self is all powerful. It is part of God.

An identity which one has forgotten in the mortal world.

So I woke up again today.

I was listening to something.

In fact I had slept with the audio on.

I woke up because I didnt like the sound anymore.

When do you not like any sound?

When you are not feeling exactly upbeat.

And then I could sense the unpleasant feeling.

My intuition told me that an unpleasant day is coming up.

What unpleasantness?

What could it be?

I will pause before I react.

In fact I will not react at all.

That way I will avoid every argument, which is a the biggest source of unpleasantness.

And I will write a story as a post.

Oh I can do that. It gets published, and I was sure it would.

So the second unpleasantness to have been unproductive also has been countered.

I completed a write-up, which has been due to be finalized. And I saw the pause in my senior's face.. he was speechless for a minute before he could fathom some objection, which is his habit.

But I had already noticed that he did not expect such a draft, and I did it beyond his expectation.

So 3rd unpleasantness countered. Actually it was an achievement.

4 appointments were fixed by my colleague for the next week. And two more important appointment by my senior for me. Just imagine.

And I am writing this one.

As I came back home, I came across a facebook live which discussed that I can choose my dream first, and take the first few steps only when I can manifest money.

So I chose to serve to be eligible for attracting money. What a huge learning.

So that dejection that I mentioned in the beginning was for a moment.

I am sharpening my intuition too.

Because the unpleasant thing actually happened just 2 minutes before.

I got a rejection.

Before that I had these many accomplishments.

I shall produce more to overwrite the rejection and dejection I had few minutes back.

By another hour.

I repeat my question: what do u do when rejected?

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