Can you survive for 17 years without any sales revenues?
Financial Times article: Japan's corporate cash-hoarders have moment in the sun

Can you survive for 17 years without any sales revenues?

"For years, the factory automation specialist Keyence used its cash to attract Japan’s top talent. The company had so much of it, Keyence boasted in its recruitment presentation, that it could survive for 17 years without any sales revenues."

For most of us, we don't have Keyence's luxury so we need to focus on pipeline, closure & revenue on a daily, weekly, monthly & quarterly basis. With that in mind, here are 4 thoughts from Saleslocker to apply to your sales routine now:

1) Everyone wants to know what they don't know

Be present in your clients minds & future plans by offering insight, experience & advice, not just a sales pitch. Now is the time to go above and beyond their expectations and become their trusted advisor.

By communicating how your team creates business value, you'll become a trusted advisor and enabler of business success. Gartner

2) Talk don't text

While most people are more comfortable with sending emails, WhatsApps, texts or other DMs................ Be the human that speaks to a human! Now more than ever people want to interact, so use video where possible and call as much as you can.

"80% of sales require 5 follow-up calls after the meeting. 44% of sales reps give up after 1 follow-up." Brevet
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3) Bring it forward

While there is no doubt that companies are becoming more conservative in the current environment, it's the right time for organisations to invest in their talent, tools & technology. Talk to them about what they need to adapt to the new paradigm, what you're learning and how you've helped other customers.

"Preparing now enables companies to gain market share and accelerate: Winners pulled away from losers during the last recession and widened the profit and market-cap gap during the subsequent expansion, Bain’s analysis of nearly 3,900 companies worldwide shows."
Bain & Company

4) Leave no stone unturned

Accept that some pipeline will be delayed or cancelled and focus on what you can control. Your list of cold prospects, conference/seminar attendees you haven't followed up with & LinkedIn searches, rich with new opportunity, are all waiting for you to get stuck into!

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If you'd like to hear how Saleslocker has helped clients with sales transformation, sales capability or sales leadership coaching email me at

Stay safe & well!

Mike Hurley

Growth & AI Automation Expert | Modern Outbound Strategy


Love the point about the amount of follow up effort often head of sales just reminded me that the "money is in the follow up" and it's true.

Vincent Loo

Commodities Sales and Relationship Manager at Bloomberg LP


Grant Thanks for the 4 thoughts. Importance ideas that a sales person need to learn to apply to be successful.

Jessica Tjung

Vice President, Index, ESG and Analytics Client Coverage


Love point 4!

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