Can we really Save the Planet?!?

Can we really Save the Planet?!?

If we don’t change the way we live and consume, by 2050 we need three planet Earths to cope with our demands. 3!!!!!!!!

Then, a lot of people, very conscious about the issue, start talking about radical measures to save the planet while some completely ignore the climate problem. Almost no ‘in between’ scenario: some think we can save the planet, and some think we can’t (and even don’t need to). I join the group of the ones that think that we can’t save the planet.

I am a nature lover. I don’t think that is the planet or the nature that needs saving. It is us: humankind that needs to be saved. And this is the catch. We must wake up very, very fast because, well, ‘Mother Nature’ (or as they say in the Andes mountains, ‘PachaMama’) doesn’t need us. We need nature. A lot.

I love these two pictures below, to paint an image in our heads:

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  • Dinosaurs. They were bigger than a 3-storage building and when they were ‘too much’ to Earth, out. Extinction.
  • Sank boat. This is a picture of a boat that I just dove around in the Caribe. Nature takes over after some time. And if you doubt it, this nice video of Chernobyl today can impress you (the ones that remember the incident 35 years ago: we thought the place would be inhabitable forever):

So, ‘before’ typhoons, tsunamis, viruses start coming our way to kick our race out of the planet, let’s start doing our part. Fast. And we all must do it. We can’t delegate the problem to governments and companies alone. We must as individuals, do our part too. Some tips:

1.     Over population: I don’t have kids, by choice but I believe that everybody that want kids must do it. It must be a fantastic life experience. But if you don’t want it, don’t do it just because of society pressure. And your noble excuse, well: you are positively impacting the environment by reducing over population in your family line 😉

2.     Over consumption: we consume far too much of everything. Waste is a problem. Fast fashion is a problem.

I assume, I like meat and won’t become vegan, but I radically reduced meat consumption. Consumption of things… only what I really, really need.

I want people to like me for who I am not for what I have. Life is about experiences, not things.

3.     Buying process: many people (in B2B too) tend to buy cheap only looking into the short-term impact and thinking ‘a year from now, I buy another one’. A year from now you will consume again and waste again natural resources. Maybe your t-shirt is disposible but Earth isn't. Buy good, buy quality & value from companies that care about the environment. Take more time in the process, do it consciously. Impulse is dangerous for the environment.

4.     Technology: choose the best one for the environment that you can afford. Maybe you can’t get the latest green technology but there are steps you can take and afford.

Maybe you can’t yet buy an electric car but get one model that has very low consumption, to start with. Or walk/bike/take public transport: even better 😉

If you work with technology, innovate consciously. Think about the impact of everything you develop to the environment and to society. Great minds change the world with innovation

5.     Promote (and demand) doing good: if you are a marketer, price shouldn’t be your main marketing tool (I always tell the marketers in our team, if price is the only way to sell, we don’t need marketers). Sell what your company is doing good to support the environment. Get the early adopters to help you spread the word.

6.     Demand from your government and company (companies you work with/buy from too) to do good too: be part of the movement. Don’t be an spectator. Change comes when the mass population is part of it. Reward with your vote and your money the ones that do good (and, penalize the ones that damage the environment – when you don’t give them your money, they don’t keep doing bad)

Nature is beautiful and I hope we, humans, wake up fast enough so our next generations can see it too.

Nature will be here. We, human race, that is the question mark…

It is up to all of us

Fiamma Degl'Innocenti

Innovation by design | Design for good | EdTech | Visual Storytelling


The planet is not at risk, the planet will find a way to restore itself. Like you mention, the real challenge is saving human kind ;)

Trent Gross

Marketing and Business Development Executive, Circular Economy Leader


Well said, Fabia! Your insights and guidance on specific actions we can take to ‘do our part’ are spot on.

Alejandra Echenagucia

Chief Marketing Officer | B2C & B2B | Brand Builder | Consumer Centricity Advocate


Yes! We can save the planet

Fabia Tetteroo-Bueno

SVP, Global Commercial Leader Healthcare Informatics - A passionate leader that wants to contribute improving Diversity & Inclusion and Access to Care in the world #leadingwithpurpose


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