Breaking up with Bad Habits

Breaking up with Bad Habits

I've been reflecting on my habits recently...

I hate to say it, but 2024 is creeping up! Can you smell it?! For many of us, now the pressure is on to get our affairs in order so we see the year out feeling it was a success. Revisiting the yearly goals we set for ourselves that we may have left written down somewhere, thinking of those resolutions we set in January when it felt like we had all the time in the world to see them come to fruition (Oops! What were they again?!) and everything else we said we'd achieve in 2023 comes back to the forefront of our minds once more. 

If you haven't done what you promised yourself you'd do in 2023, fear not, you are not alone, in fact congratulations, you are a completely normal human! Please do NOT give yourself a hard time. This does not motivate you to keep on going, nor does it leave you feeling very good about yourself. Instead, take a minute to look at what you DID achieve. Because you achieved a lot, trust me, it's been 10 months, of course you did! 

And okay, maybe there is still more you want to do, or maybe you just want to set yourself up for a successful 2024. So let's look at that, and let's start with the habits that may not be helping us move forward or even move forward positively. 

We all have those pesky habits that seem to hang around like a bad smell and as much as we want to break up with them, we just can't seem to. Maybe it's procrastination, hitting the snooze button (this is my pesky habit fairy), maybe its nail-biting or smoking. Whatever it is, we know it's holding us back from living our best lives, it's affecting our wellbeing and it's slowing us down. So what can we do about it?  Bad habits are often deeply ingrained behaviours that have become a part of our routine. They can serve as coping mechanisms, providing comfort or temporary relief from stress or boredom; the brain's reward system reinforces these habits by releasing dopamine when we indulge, making them difficult to give up. It's hard to say goodbye for several reasons:

  • We're in our Comfort Zone: Habits provide a sense of security and familiarity, making it uncomfortable to change. Growth does not happen in The Comfort Zone!
  • The Temptation Fairy: We're surrounded by triggers and temptations that can lead us back to our bad habits.
  • Lack of Willpower: Willpower can be limited, and we often succumb to the Temptation Fairy when it's low.
  • Fear of Failure: The fear of not succeeding in breaking the habit can discourage our efforts. So how can we put steps in place to bid adieu to bad habits?   
  • Self-awareness first: Acknowledge your unwanted habit and understand the triggers that lead to it. Can you identify the emotions or situations that prompt you to engage in the habit? Is there a pattern to the time of day, week, month?
  • Set Clear Goals: Define what you want to achieve by quitting the habit. Having a clear goal can keep you motivated. It might be something you want to create or achieve, or it might be a feeling, like pride or satisfaction.
  • Replace it with a Good Habit: Instead of merely quitting, replace the bad habit with a positive one, for example, if you're trying to quit smoking, pick up a healthier habit like eating an apple, going for a quick walk or meditation. It's hard to just stop something that is habitual, that void will want to be filled with something else. Can you stack the new good habit onto something else that is already habitual? (e.g. I know of someone who wanted to incorporate more movement into their day, so they started doing squats while brushing their teeth!)
  • Find Some Cheerleaders!: Don't go it alone. Share your goal with a trusted friend or family member who can provide encouragement and accountability. Or work with a coach to explore the root cause of your challenge and who will be there to celebrate with you every step of the way and explore setbacks with you in a non-judgemental, forward thinking way.
  •  Create a Supportive Environment: Remove triggers and temptations from your surroundings. Make it easier to resist the urge. If junk food is your thing, don't have it in the house! If you want to start going to the gym, pack your bag the night before and leave it by the front door so you have to pick it up to leave the house!
  • Be Patient: Breaking a bad habit takes time. Be patient with yourself, and don't be too hard on yourself when setbacks occur. They will happen, but rather than beating yourself up when they do, can you ask yourself what you have learned from it? 
  • Reward Yourself: Celebrate your successes along the way. Rewarding yourself can reinforce positive behaviour, be proud of yourself and fist punch the air when you do the damn thing!

Saying goodbye to bad habits is a journey that requires effort, determination, and patience. And a whole lot of kindness. Be kind to yourself, show yourself compassion and hold off on the judgement. Remember, it's not about perfection, but progress. By taking one step at a time and committing to positive change, you can break free from the grip of bad habits and lead a healthier, happier life. So, it's time to bid farewell to those habits that no longer serve you and embrace a brighter, habit-free future.

And I know with all the tips I’ve just shared and all the will and best intentions in the world it will still be tough. So listen to this very carefully.  

Just do one thing.  

Just make one little change.

Creating change has to start with us. Do one thing, make one change and you will feel more confident, you will have a little more self-belief, your wellbeing will improve and you will have a little spring in your step for the rest of the day.

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” - Rumi 

I can support you in your journey to healthy, happy #habits and #goals. Get in touch to find out more! 


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