Beliefs - The Path To Happiness

Beliefs - The Path To Happiness

The humility to admit when we are wrong and to change our beliefs can lead us to greater success and happiness.

Research shows that we have absorbed most of our belief systems before we are 7 or 8 years old. Our brains are still developing, so that means we take statements as fact or advice as facts. These beliefs are implanted in us by those closest. It can be our father or mother, our friend, neighbor, relative, brother or sister. We should understand by now that they are not perfect, they are not experts. They just want to empower us.

Many beliefs are so attached to our emotions, which is why we can neither change it nor revisit it. The reason beliefs are so important to our understanding is because they are directly responsible for the outcomes we get. Our beliefs determine how we behave in any given situation, and how we behave can have a huge impact on the outcomes achieved.

We all know Steve Jobs - a very talented man whose list of inventions includes the Apple Computer, Apple 1, Apple 2, Pixar, iMac, iPod, iTunes, iPhone, iPad, and more. You know he died at 56. His life was full of setbacks. In 2003, doctors discovered an operable tumour in his pancreas. But Steve Jobs refused. He is a vegetarian, Buddhist, skeptical of medicine and only believes in alternative remedies, such as he drinks juices, herbal capsules, consults a therapist and fasts. It got worse, and in 2004 the tumour had spread beyond the pancreas. He underwent surgery, but it was too late. He underwent a liver transplant in 2009 and died in 2011.

The BBC and other medias reported last week that the French TV stars of 80s twin brothers Grichka and Igor Bogdanoff have died from the coronavirus. The brothers were not vaccinated against Covid-19. Their friends said they believed a healthy lifestyle would protect them. But unfortunately, look what happened.

How many known and unknown cases like this ruined their lives because of their beliefs.

I remember a friend of mine said to me that when you enjoy your bachelor life, I'm the one who sticks to my belief system, and I find right and therefore never be part of your enjoyment. I regret it now. Today, when you meet friends, you always share those fond memories that make you so happy even today. I'm sad because I don't have any such memory. Those lost times will never come back.

‘Challenge your self-limiting beliefs. Most of them are not true at all

Friends, why don't we start this adventure?

Rarely do we all have such inherently correct belief, it can be religious beliefs, political thoughts, traditional beliefs, behavioral beliefs, health beliefs, or our choices in fashion. I'm just looking at my hair right now. I am sure I would look more impressive in this long hair. In retrospect, that was not the case. I look so horrible.

Can we reconsider things we have long taken for granted and evaluate them as calmly as possible? If so, I believe we will be on a different path to happiness, the path leading to truth.

Am excited!

Thank You, PT (Arun P T)

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