Being human on a changing planet
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Being human on a changing planet

Nature brings out the humility in my humanity 

I’m extremely fortunate to have already experienced more than a lifetime’s worth of natural beauty.  

I’ve felt microscopic—in the best way—surrounded by landscapes full of countless gigantic trees, endless serrated peaks, and infinite dazzling oceans. 

Monkeys have climbed rock walls next to me, chattering and clamoring for the same stony ridges.  

Butterflies have been my fluttery friends as I lay in the sunshine with various alpine accident injuries.  

I’ve cried at the beauty of countless sunrises with colors you can only experience on an alpine peak above the clouds. 


I’ve also witnessed profound planetary changes over the past few years, and the transformation is increasing rapidly.   

I have swum with penguins whose numbers are dramatically dwindling because their waters are being overfished to feed the animal agriculture industry. 

I’ve spent sleepless nights listening to continuous booming rock fall from glaciers that have stood for eons, now crumbling from unprecedented drought and heatwaves leading to permafrost melt.  

Gaping crevasses have yawned open before me, where fragile snow bridges once stood, now only frightening fissures in the Earth, blocking my path of travel with their cavernous dark depths.  

My throat and eyes have burned for days after alpine adventures due to smoke from nearby forest fires.  

I’ve found myself upside down in a moat (where snow meets rock) because an early heat wave imperceptibly weakened the snow, which broke under the weight of my step.  

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Kuffner Ridge 2022


Such extremes in feelings—jubilation from the most breathtaking nature, next to solastalgia from irreversible changes—are fundamentally catalyzing in many ways.  

Nature quite literally sustains all life; not just providing the air we breathe and water we drink, but also enriching us—recharging, rejuvenating, and improving our mental wellbeing.  

So, what do we do when our very existence comes at the cost of this world? In an age where recycling, once seen as our panacea, is being largely revealed as a sham... where we’ve surpassed 8 billion humans, all with unique needs and aspirations... where we all need to nourish our bodies and spirits?   

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Chamonix 2022


We need to ask ourselves: What really nourishes us? What truly feeds our spirits? For me, I'm nourished by:

All of the things you described have been happening for millennia!Your experience them in the last few years is anecdotal. Your writing is beautiful and the pictures even more so!

Gaurav Uppal

TPM II @Microsoft Azure AI Compute, HPC, Visualization | JustGreen ATL Lead | Environmental Advocate


Love this, what a great read, important message, and such beautiful pictures, thanks for writing Holly!

Brian Deurloo

President & Founder of Frog Creek Partners 🐸 Engineer, entrepreneur and inventor of the patented Gutter Bin stormwater filtration system 💧


That’s beautiful Holly. Thanks for sharing.

Alex Staton

Data & AI Industry Lead @ Microsoft | Powering Retail and Consumer Goods with Data and AI


What a heartfelt piece of writing Holly, thank you for sharing and for all of your contributions. 🌍

Drew Wilkinson

Making sustainability part of everybody's job


Thanks for sharing Holly Beale <3 I think you'll enjoy this podcast: it's on the evolutionary reason we experience awe and "what happens when we stop to savor the beauty in nature, art, or simply the moral courage of those around us." Your post reminded me of it a lot.

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