Anointing – Sustaining – Protecting Undeserved Grace

Anointing – Sustaining – Protecting Undeserved Grace

Daniel 6:27 “He rescues and he saves; he performs signs and wonders in the heavens and in the earth. He has rescued Daniel from the power of the lions."

 Abba Father good morning – Everyone encounters problems desiring to consume, overwhelm, and devour from within. Those challenges in life come unexpected at moments undesired. Is there ever a moment we really desire to encounter hardships, burdens, or trials? Do we intentionally plan to create turmoil and chaos in our life? How does our heart feel when that storm of life approaches out of nowhere? What is our first thought entering our mind? What impact does it immediately have on our soul? What are you going to do? Where will you go? Who will you trust? How is it going to affect our life?  What impact will it have on family, friends and strangers? There will always be hardships, struggles, trials, temptations and uncertainties that will surround our way of life. Burdens attempting to restrict, confine, and isolate. The question is how will we be prepared to respond? It’s critical we have a sustainable foundation. Take some time and reflect on our life. It will require total honesty. It will be critical when that moment encounters our life un-expectantly. Satan is strategic; going to extremes to appear rewarding, fulfilling, and promising. Influencing the ways of this world with untruthfulness looking appealing, enticing, and abundantly. There will be delusions, deceptions, and untruths presented by satan within the ways of this world. Snares and traps baited with untruthfulness attempting to overpower our life gradually consuming our time, our energy, and our resources. The living bible teaches about the ways of satan within this world and the ways of our living God. The ways of this world slowly brings destruction, having no remorse for collateral damage. If not prepared the damage can be a catastrophe. Our living God breathes agape loves into all of life unconditionally. No life will ever go un-provided, untouched, unnoticed, unattended, uncared, unprotected, or unloved. God is prepared for every storm of life. This day is created, designed, and put in motion to bring affirmation, comfort, encouragement, and promises to our life. Throughout this day there will be gifts of undeserved grace breathing life into life with life from life. Anointed, sustained, protected gifts our life can willingly encounter, embrace, and breathe within every moment. Reading the living bible, holding it tightly, and embracing it willingly this life of undeserved grace will become a life of living faith. Being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see; faith willingly believing, accepting, trusting, and following our living God, our Lord Jesus, and Holy Spirit. We will learn the importance of prayer, fellowshipping with others, and attending church regularly. There will still be unexpected storms approaching. We will still have fears, pains, hurts, and burdens. It will be God’s powerful anointed undeserved grace absolutely un-earnable, un-purchasable, and un-creatable breathing protection to hold on, endure, and sustain the collateral damage intended to destroy. Undeserved grace breathing sustaining hope, comforting unconditional love, releasing compassionate forgiveness, and anointed promise of eternal life in heaven. Faithful promises to never leave us, forsake us, or abandon us. Like Daniel our faith will need to be strong, trusting in the lion’s den. Daniel was faithful in prayer to our living God, his love sincere, and his protection witnessed with thankfulness. Our faithfulness in prayer must be real, our love sincere and our thankfulness witnessed. Our life will be protected with undeserved grace renewing, refreshing, redeeming, and restoring life’s brokenness. Transforming hearts, minds, and souls from satan’s destructive ways to anointed promise of redemption found in God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. We have a choice, a decision, and a way of life to choose. We can live being devoured by the roaring lion of satan. Or we can live in the lion’s den with our living God, our Lord Jesus, and Holy Spirit anointed, sustained, and protected with promises of undeserved grace breathing life into life with life from life.

 Father – I am thankful, grateful, and cherish our friendship. This life of undeserved grace we encounter, embrace, and breathe together willingly. Pour anointed blessings upon my life opening my heart, my mind, and my soul to willingly breathe treasures of undeserved grace. Anointing, sustaining, protection within every moment breathing life with you Abba Father, Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit.

 If you or someone is in need of a bible, please feel free to private message me - no questions asked.

Michael J Zenner

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