Anointed Sustaining Protected Faith

Anointed Sustaining Protected Faith

Luke 8:24-25 “The disciples went and woke him, saying, "Master, Master, we're going to drown!" He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm. "Where is your faith?" he asked his disciples. In fear and amazement they asked one another, "Who is this? He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him." 

Abba Father good morning – No matter where we are in life. Constant turmoil, dysfunction, chaos of satan influencing the ways of this world surrounds our life. Having intent of putting consuming worries within our heart, untruthful visions within our mind, unrest within our soul. Satan is extremely devious, delusional, and deceptive in presenting a strategic way of life. Whispering untruth with bold lies presented to look appealing. Attempting to destroy intimacy with our living God with feelings of fear, isolation, hopelessness. It’s confusion, deceitfulness, and delusional untruthfulness attempting to create fear, worry, anxiety, depression, hopelessness within our life. Storms brewed by satan’s strategic untruthfulness attempting to distract life. Attempting to instill emptiness within our heart, confusion within our mind, unrest within our soul. Slowly working to destroy our faith and hope we have in our living God. This amazing living God is activity alive. Breathing agape love into this world personally, unconditionally, intimately. No life will go throughout this day un-provided, uncared, unloved. Every life matters. Agape love overshadowing every moment of life with promises to never leave us, never forsake us, never abandon us; strengthening our faith within every storm. This same living God sent his only son Jesus our Lord to battle the storms in our life. Creating sustaining hope where once was hopelessness. Creating light out of darkness. Transforming storms of life into beautiful sunrises, sunsets, and marvelous wonders of night. Lord Jesus is only an intimate prayer away from bringing peace, restoring hope, strengthening our faith; while calming raging storms within our life. A simple prayer of “Jesus help me” all day long will do wonders in keeping us focused, strengthening our faith, encouraging our life moment by moment. Every moment counts. Like the disciples struggled with their faith. At times we all struggle in life. Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. No one escapes storms of this life. It’s how we prepare, encounter, and endure determining the collateral destruction. Who do we trust? Where are we turning? How are we living? Everyone has faith in someone, something, somehow. Where is our faith? The answers will reflect what is living deep within the inner-core of our life: our heart, our mind, our soul. Satan will go to extremes to create dysfunctional storms with untruthfulness. Having strategically designed purpose of instilling crippling fear with intimidation. Having sole purpose of occupying our life to focus at the storms. Not the faith of a simple intimate prayer of “Jesus help me.” We have a choice, a decision, a way of life to choose. We can feed the storms of this life with the ways of this world; allowing satan’s untruthfulness to be devious, delusional, deceptive, isolating. Or live a life of faith intimately praying “Jesus help me” bringing calmness to every storm coming our way in life. Faith is not complicated. It takes courage. A life of faith is being anointed, sustained, protected willingly breathing every promise in the living bible from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21. Anointed, sustaining, protected faith believes, accepts, trusts, follows our living God, our Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit. Like the disciples we can call out. Master, Master; help me Lord Jesus in the storms of life. Having our life intimately encountered, personally engaged, and everlastingly sustained with an abundance of hope overcoming hopelessness, unconditional love overpowering rejection, compassionate forgiveness breaking through sinfulness, eternal life in heaven breathing calmness to raging storms of life. What is living deep within our very inner-core of life: our heart, our mind, our soul? Faith is not complicated, but courageousness. Where is our faith? Reflect with utmost urgency. Honesty is a must. Our faith is critical. This life counts. Our life counts.  

Father – Thank you for protecting me in the storms of life. Strengthening my faith with encouragement and faithfully never leaving me, never forsaking me, never abandoning me.  Helping me to endure hardships, struggles, trials, temptations, uncertainties of life. Anointing, sustaining, and protecting me every moment as I willingly breathe everlasting life with you Abba Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit. 

Michael J Zenner

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